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on 17 Jun 2024 22:55:37



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on 17 Jun 2024 22:55:29


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on 17 Jun 2024 22:55:25


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on 17 Jun 2024 21:28:49


When you hold an event and set up a waitlist for the event, the form returns a Sold Out message and doesn't actually add submissions to the wait list once reaching maximum capacity. At this stage, marketing forms are not supporting the concept of waiting list for event but that would be really nice as it is very much needed. Even when you customize the "Limit exceeded notification" field on the Form, it still shows the default Sold Out message.

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Ephraim Cuya on 17 Jun 2024 18:57:54


It would be great to have this feature. Some institutions, e.g., government, are still using shared network drives.

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Nikola Milutinović on 17 Jun 2024 15:00:45


Hello Dirk,Thank you for response. i had case with same thing on sales side. However i solved it with workaround setup.

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Christopher Brunner on 17 Jun 2024 14:58:52


Please make an update to the current state! The Relativ Date Slicer is not helpfull at all. Everytime a new month has started, it needs to change the current month to the actual month - not the workaround with "current month" as the name.Thank you.

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on 17 Jun 2024 14:26:29


Why is it still in "need votes" status ?? This is such a basic and important functionality, and so many people already voted....

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Koen Verbeeck on 17 Jun 2024 14:18:58


There's a REST API that you can use to pause or resume a capacity.You can put this in an ADF pipeline, a Logic App, a Github action, an Azure Function, you name it.Anything that can be scheduled and that can call a REST API (and authenticate against Azure) can be used to stop/resume a Fabric capacity.A solution with ADF is described here:

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Julian Gimbel on 17 Jun 2024 14:16:29


As pasting code is not really possible here, I pasted the example here: