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on 11 Jun 2024 09:36:39


It would be nice we could have folders to store images in. Keywords do help when looking for an image, but with loads of images it could get overwhelming.

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on 11 Jun 2024 09:36:39


Add folders for segment management

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on 11 Jun 2024 09:36:39


Whilst tags are useful as part of house keeping and managing the sheer amount of asset files in the library it would be best that users can navigate through a folder structure or media files.

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on 11 Jun 2024 09:36:38


Hi, We would like to see the option of creating folders for Marketing files. We have several images in use and the library keeps on expanding. We have several business units using Files and it would be handy to be able to sort Files in Folders. Keywords helps a bit, but since it seems like a separate entity, it does not seem to be possible to create File views per key words. Neither is it possible to add in Keywords to File Quick Search, which would be handy. Folders would be simplest for our use since a lot of users are adding pictures to library and surely they will not add keywords to the pictures every time. Thanks! -elisa

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Rohan Sirisena on 11 Jun 2024 09:33:10


Was this ever resolved since April 2021? I am having the same issue now. In PBI Desktop and PBI Service, the date format is UK. When shared to TEAMS, it flashes the UK format for a second and then changes to US. :-(

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Ioannis Giannakopoulos on 11 Jun 2024 08:33:22


The issue still exists on current BC version.'Cancel' & 'Correct' function need to work for both types, not only for the Invoices.

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Peter Conijn on 11 Jun 2024 08:20:32


I wholeheartedly support this. Cloud is ok for smaller companies that don't have a lot of transactional data, but for larger and more complex companies cloud is at this point not a viable option: to many issues with operational limits and cost effectiveness, as Stefano Demiliani recently showed.As it happens we had to update some licenses this morning and the process is just incredibly inefficient and cumbersome. I completely support the idea to pull this process into the 21st century.

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Ioannis Giannakopoulos on 11 Jun 2024 07:23:02


Hello! We face the exact same issue as described by 'Anastasia Alexandridi'. As another option instead of changing the pay-to vendor after 'get the receipt lines.." would be, the 'get receipt lines' function to work with the 'Buy from-vendor' of the receipt.That is, the below scenario must work:1. Create a 'Purchase Order' with Buy-from Vendor = Pay-to Vendor e.g. V12. Receive the Purchase Order3. Create a Purchase Invoice. That is, Purchase Invoices \ New. Fill in Buy-from Vendor in the General tab with the vendor to whom the order was made (i.e. V1)4. Go to FastTab Shipping & Payment and fill in Pay-to Vendor no with the different vendor that issued the invoice (e.g. V2)5. Go back to General and fill in the rest of the information as usual (Currency, etc).6. Then go to Functions\ Get Receipts Lines... 

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Arjen Hofland on 11 Jun 2024 06:31:51


In my opinion three things would be great to be able to control separate from adding, hiding reorganizing fields on page: - Resizing columns is basically a must- Adding personal filters is a must- Being able to rearrange columns in atable would be greatly appreciated Those are the things that our users keep asking about.

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Thomas Brodkorb on 11 Jun 2024 06:24:06


Well, the same would be required for Sales side, of course.All manual price/discount changes to Sales Line and Purchase Line should be retained as well.