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Sharvil Joshi on 30 Apr 2024 09:24:26


Certainly it will be really helpful feature - most common user requirement at our organization!

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Gulhat Acar on 30 Apr 2024 09:24:18


Exactly what we need!

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Oliver Kretschmer on 30 Apr 2024 09:21:53


Very nice idea!!!!!

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Carsten Wegner on 30 Apr 2024 07:35:38



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Johan Grankvist on 30 Apr 2024 07:21:54


I just found out the good news that there recently have been released a feature for this in the app. So by that we should be able to close this. :-) Thanks / Johan

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Kathie Loccisano on 30 Apr 2024 06:00:24


This change is required for clients to report leases accurately. Please make the change to the system

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Michelle Ayling on 30 Apr 2024 03:50:18


We also need this - we use the web preview links to share the emails for review with other departments of the business without access to Dynamics. Currently, we have to send a journey to just myself to get the link to share. Would be so much easier to have this also in test sends.

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Paolo Bessolo on 30 Apr 2024 03:44:29


Unbelievable that this feature has not yet been implemented.

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David Strawn on 29 Apr 2024 21:53:03


Also, these artifacts prevent the workspace from changing back to PPU from Fabric Trial

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Aaron Rutledge on 29 Apr 2024 21:11:54


Yes, please! This would be great. The current matrix does not provide acceptable experience for the user, IMO.