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Guillermo Arrabal Martinez on 04 Jul 2024 08:32:41


Needed, also for Power Apps visuals happen the same situation, it has no sense!

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Alexis TONNERRE on 04 Jul 2024 08:10:22


I would like to add an element to the conversation. We deploy the project module to our BC customers but very often they need a more operational solution to manage project daily. Sometimes the requirement is very light and “Project for the Web” or “Planner Premium” is enough and they don’t need PO. We are building an interface between BC and Dataverse (P4W and planner) however the only way for us to send project tasks within the Dataverse is to have a costly Project Operations license. I think integrating project management tools with Business Central out of the box is critical for a growing numbers of costumers (and appsource options are often lackluster), it needs to be addressed by Microsoft.

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Damir Cengic on 04 Jul 2024 06:50:18


Would love to see this happen. It would be really beneficial. Great idea!

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Sonia Steyn on 04 Jul 2024 02:40:51


Absolutely need this. The out of the box subject is pointless - as a minimum it needs to say Remittance Advice. Why is it not on the road map? Ideally there would be a screen for all email subjects to update any of them. Or perhaps an additional format in Custom report layout.

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Herr B on 03 Jul 2024 22:04:45


As links does not seem to be possible in comments:2021: See MS Fabric Community posting 2215388 ("Get Report ID of RDL Report that is embedded inside PowerBI")2022: Same user tried it again: See MS Fabric Community posting 2426436 ("How To Obtain Report ID of RDL Paginated Report that's embedded")

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on 03 Jul 2024 22:03:45



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Herr B on 03 Jul 2024 22:00:59


Problem exists since introduction of paginated visuals (as an example),Also described here with images and nice colors:

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on 03 Jul 2024 21:54:34



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on 03 Jul 2024 21:05:16



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on 03 Jul 2024 20:58:28


Hey hey!

It's been some time, but I just got emailed a slam piece online about and thought it important to email you guys to validate this nonsense.

It looks like there's some negative press that could be harmful to your reputation.
Being aware of how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be taken by surprise, I thought it best to warn you.

Here's the source of the info:

I'm hoping it's all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

Wishing you all the best,