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Anjan Madhwesh on 24 May 2024 15:17:28


also this feature must be available from the Power BI Reporting App - where the reports can be organized in a business friendly way rather than a plain listing of reports and semantic models in a workspace.

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Anjan Madhwesh on 24 May 2024 15:15:22


For us, we need this feature at the semantic model level.

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Julian Gimbel on 24 May 2024 13:10:45


This feature is now on the roadmap for Q3 2024: Core REST APIs support Service PrincipalEstimated release timeline: Q3 2024Release Type: General availabilityEnablement of Service Principal support in Microsoft Fabric REST API is a pivotal enhancement for the automation of customers deployment and management of environments.The ability to manage principal permissions for Fabric workspaces, as well as the creation and management of Fabric artifacts like eventhouse and lakehouse, is crucial for the automation of provisioning workflows. By end of May 2024, following MS Build conference, Service Principal will already be supported by few automation scenarios, such as Fabric Workspace management, Power BI Report management, Power BI Semantic Models management and Fabric Capacity Management. By the end of 2024, all Fabric automation scenarios will support Service Principal.

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Juan Orza on 24 May 2024 13:10:04


This would be so useful. Please implement this!

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Hossein Rahmani on 24 May 2024 11:58:26


As you know REST API is a [de facto] standard in many areas. And it is supported by most of the other Microsoft products. I wonder how Direct Query is not compatible with Rest API data source!I hope you will add this very useful feature soon!Thanks and best regards.

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Michael Fera on 24 May 2024 11:22:28


Frankly, it's absurd that Microsoft has ignored this topic. As has been suggested dozens (hundreds?) of times, a simple parameter like "Auto-approve firmed orders" solves this issue entirely, and is most likely being implemented via custom code by most customers anyway. I just can't imagine why a company which has chosen to enable Change Management would want their Planning group to approve every purchase order.

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Zain Hamied on 24 May 2024 10:09:38


The Page where we setup called "Auto Charges" and when we tell customers that you have to click on this button to the apply charges they some time laugh that why this is being called Auto charges then and for retail orders it does get calculated automatically when we complete the order so its kind of weird to justify why this does not work for non-retail orders.We cover it by some Consultant level trick answers like its the calculation that happens automatically that is why we call it auto charges etc... I am surprised Microsoft still needs votes to develop this simple functionality.

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Esko Pulliainen on 24 May 2024 09:29:20


Click heat map would be greatly appreciated. We've migrated to Customer Insights from ClickDimensions, and are missing some of the features CD had - Click heat map being one of them.

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Telmo GABRIEL VIEIRA on 24 May 2024 09:03:58


I second this. This should indeed be a standard functionality to properly handle this bank format.

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Nur Shafiqah Shaharuddin on 24 May 2024 08:26:27


It's been five years since the first idea came out. --And it's still pending. Please Microsoft, the permission to a specific Dataflow absolutely would help in specific project/department.