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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:38:53


If we think of gold and silver as "table qualities", then maybe folder is not an adequate structure in all cases. Sometimes, we could pull out the metadata on a table, e.g., TBLPROPERTIES("quality" = "silver"), then leveraging that convention to add a color or gold/silver/bronze badge to the object would be a better way to express table qualities.

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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:34:20


The Fabric Roadmap seems to indicate this will be available for Warehouses in Q3 2024: the same is coming for Lakehouses??Case insensitive collation support (in Warehouse)Estimated release timeline: Q3 2024Using the public REST APIs to create a Data Warehouse includes a new option to set the default collation. This can be used to set a new Case Insensitive Collation default. You'll also be able to use the COLLATE command with CREATE TABLE to directly control which collation your VARCHAR fields use. The two supported collations are Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC_UTF8 (which is Case Insensitive) and Latin1_General_100_BIN2_UTF8 (which is Case Sensitive) and continues to be our default.

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Joana Falcão on 23 May 2024 16:11:28


This would be very useful to organize tables based on topics on robust datasets. Is there any update on if/when this will be available?

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Torben Larsen on 23 May 2024 13:59:36


It would for sure be very helpfull for our company. We see more and more clients moving from GA4 to Piwik PRO.

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Marc Rohde on 23 May 2024 13:50:35


As the requester I would suggest this get close because it was added to the product and is currently a preview feature.

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Paul Dart on 23 May 2024 12:33:17


We can use this functionality for sales order, however not for production/works orders.I personally don't see why this can't be added.We would welcome this configuration in our business also.

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Arun Kumar on 23 May 2024 12:20:52


Improve user experience

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Silje Øygarden on 23 May 2024 12:05:40


As of now we are able to add crews in PO lite deployment - but we do not see "Crew strategies" - When we book the crew in the scheduling board - the crew seems to be booked - but error message below shows:Error: "There can be at most one detail per requirement that is in a group"Logg shows the followig:Errorcode:8d1ca30a-441f-4747-bb29-d8b33e547b09 | OpenProject...... is missing prvReadmsdyn_requirementgroup privilege (Id=2475c568-77cd-4b17-bb85-ae854177952c) on OTC=10930 for entity 'msdyn_requirementgroup' (LocalizedName='Requirement Group'). context.Caller=495798df-16da-ee11-904c-6045bd96e8df. Consider adding missed privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles.then Error: 8225c5f6-6f75-4098-9261-937106def975 | missing prvReadmsdyn_requirementgroup privilege (Id=2475c568-77cd-4b17-bb85-ae854177952c) on OTC=10930 for entity 'msdyn_requirementgroup' (LocalizedName='Requirement Group'). context.Caller=495798df-16da-ee11-904c-6045bd96e8df. Consider adding missed privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles.

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Arjan Baken on 23 May 2024 10:10:51


***2nd phrase new look should be old look

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Salma Nsiri on 23 May 2024 10:03:27


I strongly agree, this feature would be so helpful to manage an environment with several extensions.