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on 04 Jul 2024 12:51:22


Kohle Kumbartzky

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Guiseppe Francia on 04 Jul 2024 11:12:46


This is crazy. We cannot decide whether to print a label or not in a WMS system? Am I dreaming?

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Hauke Jacobsen on 04 Jul 2024 11:10:16


Can you please provide an update to this idea. Our users are requesting this heavily!

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Hauke Jacobsen on 04 Jul 2024 11:05:56


I cite David Carr's comment with the exact same wording:I'd like to see a robust UI where you can set up a "Environment Copy Template" that identifies the source (almost always prod) and the target (some sandbox), and enables you to select specific tables to copy data from, and more importantly identify tables you do NOT want to bring over. Ideally, for those specific tables copied, we'd be able to specify an advanced-find like/FetchXML based query that would identify the specific rows to copy (such as "Last 3 Months", e.g.). (It could also be a "solution-based" copy, where we create a solution that identifies the tables to copy.)We use lookups extensively, and hence have dozens of reference tables that need to copied to each environment. We have years of historical transactional data that does NOT. Today, because i have to copy the entire production data set, we spend days running bulk delete jobs and Power Automate flows to remove data in a copied environment. Very inefficient use of resources.

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Michel Dekker on 04 Jul 2024 10:31:07


For enterprise deployment it is fundamental to support themes and templates in the Service. It is the only way to standardise report creation within large organisations.

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Hauke Jacobsen on 04 Jul 2024 10:07:29


This is a highly anticipated requirement, I would like to extend this to not only mask but also delete / leave data using this mapping.

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Jade S on 04 Jul 2024 09:37:56


We still think this would be a sensible enhancement to Power BI that would help a lot of users.

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Julius Holmberg on 04 Jul 2024 09:07:04


Error messageFailed to update data source credentials: The credentials provided for the Web source are invalid. (Source at ID:  50356bf6Request ID: f469b103Status code:  400Service version:  13.0.23621.49Client version: 2406.4.19851-trainCluster URI:  https://wabi-north-europe-d-primary-redirect

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James Anderson on 04 Jul 2024 09:05:59


Yeh we could really do with that - the API currently just returns all the reports without a folder structure, so we are having to navigate through 300 reports to find the correct one, even though we have organized all those reports into folders on the workspace.It's strange that Microsoft have implemented folder awareness in the Power BI report builder but haven't implemented it in the REST API yet.

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Hauke Jacobsen on 04 Jul 2024 09:00:22


I would like to extend this idea to copy selected tables only. We need to bulk delete data in test environments after copying over a couple of days to limit capacity consumption and to comply with data security measures.