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Rocket Porg on 07 Jun 2024 11:30:42


Definitely needed, as said in some of the other comments if you've got 100 on-prem SQL servers, you'll need 100 pipelines - believe me, I worked at a place with almost that many! Trying to build metadata driven pipeline processing mechanism isn't realistic/practical until you can parameterise the server name and database name. Update... It seems like a little update to Microsoft Fabric has improved this slightly (as of 7th June 2024) where you can add 'dynamic content' for the connection - however, you can only specify the names of Fabric artifacts such as a lakehouse or warehouse... almost there guys, but we need to parameterise the server name too :-)

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Ariestya Dibyanugraha on 07 Jun 2024 09:22:20


If this is the Notifications with bell/chime icon which always appears in the menu bar, I vote for the feature.Many customers ask whether BC can send some notifications which are shown in-app instead of emails/through external messaging system because they complained they have received too many emails and they ended up not being opened/noticed.Fyi, Dynamics 365 model-driven app in cloud has a similar feature that can be utilized, why don't BC have one?

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François Dambrine on 07 Jun 2024 09:03:54


I also have this issue, between two exports of the same report, sometimes my export shows 10 rows, sometimes it shows 11 without any change in the design of the report.

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Radhika Mandhani on 07 Jun 2024 08:42:01


Just like Czech republic, Poland - we would like to have Microsoft support for Slovakia localizations too

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Saleem Mohammed on 07 Jun 2024 07:40:36


In Cash and Bank management module cash book transactions reconciled against each other. It should be viewed in reconciliation relations functionality. This functionality is very useful.

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Konstantin Volke on 07 Jun 2024 06:27:56


In PowerBI service you can select the default language or any specific language. If you choose any specifc language, the language is considered also for translations e.g. in Excel for Self Service users. However, if you don't select a specific language, the Excel connections defaults to English, even if the culture of the semantic model is set to a different language. It would be really great to increase accessibility for users by choosing the default semantic model culture instead of english.

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Jonathan Boarman on 06 Jun 2024 21:02:48


It's strange that this hasn't come up before. I'm hoping that the roadmap feature to improve the Lakehouse Explorer to support schema will incidentally address this, but that's probably wishful thinking! :)

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Ted Johnston on 06 Jun 2024 19:00:21


Agree- very confusing for users if an email field on one entity accepts a delimited list but another does not.

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Jonathan Boarman on 06 Jun 2024 18:45:44


(We also just had an instance of the notebook contents just disappearing ... which, like Patrick, occurred when more than one user had the notebook open for collaboration.)

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Jonathan Boarman on 06 Jun 2024 18:43:57


Databricks treats it very similar to how Google Docs or Google Sheets. There is a running auto-save with full restore at any point, including after you restore to an older version you can still restore to a point after that older version. This seems like a pretty important feature given the current state of flakiness in its save and multi-user access capabilities. Even if you aren't using proper version control, there should still be modern safety net like is common now for web-based apps.