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Полный бесплатный on 08 Jul 2024 22:09:22


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Полный бесплатный on 08 Jul 2024 22:08:49


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on 08 Jul 2024 21:27:45


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Meghan Reed on 08 Jul 2024 21:03:34


Provide the ability to weight or adjust capacity for a specific case based on various attributes. In our example, cases can be placed on hold and the agent is not actively working on them. While they need to remain assigned to the user, they should not impact that individual's capacity. At the very least not to the same level as an active case. If we could adjust an agent's used capacity, we would be able to accommodate this scenario.

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Nigel Cox on 08 Jul 2024 21:00:00


Why not combine with Default order settings in one screen? Another tab for lot sizing, Stops, etc. PERHAPS consider extending STOPS to additional dimension combinations at the same time. But please don't delay just changing Default order settings just to do this :)

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Mike Hess on 08 Jul 2024 20:11:39


The bookmark navigator does a good job when it comes to moving around the report. I would look to have the current tab name to use as a title/header in the report page itself.

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on 08 Jul 2024 19:53:58


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N G on 08 Jul 2024 19:30:04


I would love to see something like dataflows but at the table level and extended to the modeling layer with the ability to preset visible columns, sort by columns, naming, hierarchies, groups, etc. for PBI developers to use a la carte. Ideally, there would be a way to identify the business ID and surrogate ID fields for easy implementation by the developer. Basically, the individual table components of a semantic layer. This would help mesh our centralized and self-service BI teams together using a standard set of data. This could also be a solution for Kimball conformed dimensions and the bus architecture which is currently a gap in PBI.

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on 08 Jul 2024 18:24:47



We haven't spoken in a while, but I just saw a warning article online about and thought it was important to reach out to disprove this article.

It seems like there's some negative press that could be detrimental.
Being aware of how easily stories can get out of hand and hoping not you to be unprepared, I felt the need to notify you.

Here's where I found the info:

I'm hoping it's all a mix-up, but it seemed prudent you should know!

All the best to you,

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Irina Giller on 08 Jul 2024 16:51:22


Please implement this feature to avoid time consuming workarounds. It's very much needed and seems pretty basic to someone who comes from Tableau usage.