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Jorge Jerez on 12 Jun 2024 21:45:57


It would be beneficial for Financial Statements to be able to edit the name of each Row-Subtotal group individually. At the moment, it can only be done for all sub-categories at the same time. For financial statement purposes, it would be necessary to edit the text at the top and at the bottom (total) of the Row-Subtotal group. For example, now if you have a Row-Subtotal group called Asset the top label will say Total Asset and the bottom label will say Total. The proper way to call the top label will be Assets, and the button label will be Total Assets. The next Row-Subtotal group will usually be Liabilities; the top label will read Liabilities, and the bottom label needs to read Total Liabilities, not Total Assets; that is why we need the ability to change the label of each Row-Subtotal group individually. Thank you.

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Sam X on 12 Jun 2024 20:19:54


MICROSOFT POWER BI ADMINS - It's been over FIVE YEARS !!!!! Why can't we simply control the visibility of controls yet??? The visibility property is already available and this was promised in late 2022.COME ONALREADY>>>>>>>> The STOOOOPID hoop-jumping we have to go through to do this is just not right !! (Storming off while screaming like a lunatic now)

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Kim Bliss on 12 Jun 2024 18:43:13


Please do this! It would be so helpful.

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Darrell Kim on 12 Jun 2024 18:03:29


Yes, setting these to unchecked as the default will prevent users from unknowingly over sharing data and permissions and follows the secure-by-default principle. Allow recipients to share this reportAllow recipients to build content with the data associated with this report

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Caleb Weberg on 12 Jun 2024 17:34:25


I can see why this is expected behavior from a data governance perspective. Data connections are the ideal way to manage this behavior.

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Caleb Weberg on 12 Jun 2024 17:27:16


What's missing from this idea is how to determine how to aggregate the measure. The only way I can see this working is if page-level filters for measures could somehow specify the filter context (and there are some options that require additional input, such as Top N). That, I think is why measures can't be used as page-level filters currently.

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Eric Mushrush on 12 Jun 2024 17:25:07


+100000 from United States. This would be so great to have.

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Tilly Molders on 12 Jun 2024 17:22:52


Also an improvement is to show all GL accounts that are missing and don't stop by the first error and just showing 1 GL account number. Please provide an overview with all GL-accounts numbers from which Business Unit.

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Klara Calabro on 12 Jun 2024 17:07:19


It would be very helpful. During the calculation process it should be possible to select calculation rule via Record to include, which should be used.

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LUCY M SARDELLA-LAWRENCE on 12 Jun 2024 16:43:14


I agree with Ted. This feature would enable us to identify the report that generated a particular query. Why is this important? Because, in an organization that runs 100's of Power BI reports in Snowflake, when a query is running long it is terminated by the DBA team and we need a way to identify the report that generated the query so we can fix the query (i.e., make it more efficiient)