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on 17 Jun 2024 14:26:29


Why is it still in "need votes" status ?? This is such a basic and important functionality, and so many people already voted....

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Koen Verbeeck on 17 Jun 2024 14:18:58


There's a REST API that you can use to pause or resume a capacity.You can put this in an ADF pipeline, a Logic App, a Github action, an Azure Function, you name it.Anything that can be scheduled and that can call a REST API (and authenticate against Azure) can be used to stop/resume a Fabric capacity.A solution with ADF is described here:

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Julian Gimbel on 17 Jun 2024 14:16:29


As pasting code is not really possible here, I pasted the example here:

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Jérôme Poudou on 17 Jun 2024 14:07:42


I agree.we must have a real time and a per activity (in the monitoring hub) the CU consumed.and also the estimated burn down

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Mickel Schmitt on 17 Jun 2024 14:06:24


Screen cannot be enlarged. With long file names you still see nothing now.Very disappointing.

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Mihai Scrobotovici on 17 Jun 2024 14:00:42


One way to set this up is by tracking which links are being used in dashboards, scorecards, etc. and preventing said links from ever expiring, as long as they are set in said scorecards, dashboards, etc.

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Julian Gimbel on 17 Jun 2024 13:41:18


You can use the following code to do so:import requestsimport jsonfrom notebookutils import mssparkutilsworkspace_id = spark.conf.get("")lakehouse_item_id = mssparkutils.lakehouse.list()[0]["id"]payload = {  "name": "customers",  "path": "Tables",  "target": {    "oneLake": {      "itemId": lakehouse_item_id,      "path": "Files/cmk-container/silver/customers",      "workspaceId": workspace_id    }  }}token = mssparkutils.credentials.getToken('pbi')headers = {    'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',    'Content-type': 'application/json'}url = f"{workspace_id}/items/{lakehouse_item_id}/shortcuts"print(url)print(json.dumps(payload))response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

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Katie Ratcliffe on 17 Jun 2024 10:47:37


Given the move to capacity based pricing, surely a clean up routine in the UI for the SMMTransLog table would be considered essential functionality.

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Adrian Wilde on 17 Jun 2024 09:05:25


I used to have this ability when using SAP BW, and it is invaluable to users when faced with lots of measure with similar names, that can have very different values.It also makes use of the time and effort maintaining the help in the first place.Many thanks

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Amar Khaliq on 17 Jun 2024 08:43:50


I have been creating reports recently with a lot of pages, as I need the extra pages to drill down on measures, and have realized that bookmarks are not useful for reports that need scaling and pages are better and therefore need more room to navigate the pages. A VS code style file explorer tab would be perfect add on to the current Power BI desktop application.