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BECARE Vilrokx on 12 Jun 2024 08:56:51


This week I have experienced a big issue because of this bug.I created a sales order line for 1 pc of a certain item. It was a special order SO line.There is not stockI ran req. worksheet, because it is a sepcial order the SO line is not picked up. So no shortage. That is OKThan create the special order Purcahse Order. Now SO line and PO linked are linked to each other, but not reserved or tracked to each other.Receive the 1 pc from the vendor, now 1 pc is in inventory.I created a 2nd sales order line for 1 pc of the same item. But this time it was not a special order SO line.I ran req. worksheet again and still no shortage because the inventory that should belong to the first SO line which is not yet shipped is seen as available stock for the 2nd SO. So I need (demand) 2 pcs and I only have 1 pc available (supply) but the req worksheet does not see this as a shortage (Only when setup of SKU says 'include inventory')Why is there no reservation or tracking between special order SO and special order PO. What is the advantage for using special orders if there is no tracking?

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Zak Zhang on 12 Jun 2024 08:22:33


Voting for something basic and important!

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Zak Zhang on 12 Jun 2024 08:22:05


Voting for something basic and important!

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Olav Seljeseth on 12 Jun 2024 05:58:22


Integrating crew functionality into Project Operations is essential for organizations that manage projects with designated teams. Crew functionality aligns with modern project management needs, enabling more efficient operations, enhanced coordination, and better project outcomes. Without this feature, we risk losing out on many potential opportunities, as it could be a dealbreaker for clients who require robust team management capabilities.

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Tiger An on 12 Jun 2024 05:35:40


Currently we can't use GIT solution, as there will be error when there's a dataflow in one workspace, and you have a repository for this workspace, but then you want to use that repository to connect to another empty workspace, there will be an error when synch, so please add this feature ASAP.

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Sugam Mishra on 12 Jun 2024 05:10:50


All slicers should be cleared including hidden slicer using "Clear all slicers" button option or provide two options 1. "Clear all Slicers" and 2. "Clear all visible Slicers".

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Ramesh Paskarathas on 11 Jun 2024 23:12:01


Looking forward to using it as this will make dataflows gen2 more dynamic.

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Brian ROBINSON on 11 Jun 2024 22:05:25


This should be a simple matter of exposing the "Visible" flag the same way we see on Bookmarks, and similar to being able to change a colour based on a measure. This seems to be taking a long time for a simple but by the looks of it a very much needed feature.

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Jamie Constantine on 11 Jun 2024 21:50:11


I have been confused for years that the ability to generate a purchase order (or Sales ORDER) from the BC projects is not a function of this module. But even more so, not being able to generate a Warehouse Shipment from a project renders BC Projects useless for many of my clients. This needs to change. Please Please !

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Jonathan Boarman on 11 Jun 2024 19:47:41


Apache Spark has an open issue on this that looks to be stuck and in need of being promoted with additional reviewers to accept the PR: