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Tan Wei Chong on 18 Jul 2024 04:17:32


This feature still not considering along these 3 years road map?When will it be consider for this missing feature?

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rohan mehra on 18 Jul 2024 04:14:43


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Gary THOMANN on 17 Jul 2024 23:58:23


power bi service - On Demand refresh user message note

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Gary THOMANN on 17 Jul 2024 23:57:25


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Gary THOMANN on 17 Jul 2024 23:56:26


white raven

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Gary THOMANN on 17 Jul 2024 23:55:36


yet if I cut n paste from gets the error

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Gary THOMANN on 17 Jul 2024 23:54:41


Would be nice that when a refresh cycle is manually initiated that part of the process is a popup to be able to add a note.We can see Message column below within the refresh history table and how is that used. Is Message accessable?This message / note would be available to be seen by others rather than email/teams messages to others that may need to pull rather than push messaging as not a high priority but 'need to know' when looking at the refresh history 

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Shakeel Ahmed on 17 Jul 2024 23:47:12


This is definitely going to help the implementation consultants and even clients trying to create new companies as copy of existing without data. Thank you for raising this

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ishaan khan on 17 Jul 2024 23:37:51



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Josh Reid on 17 Jul 2024 21:08:53


I agree with you, I too have to manually remove over 100 tables then add them back perfectly every time so our Datawarehouse team can do their jobs. This is easily something that could be automated or just not broken intentionally when an environment is refreshed.