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M P on 31 May 2024 08:33:03


Yes please! I thought this was a bug. Means I can't use the new slicer :( Our users are very accustomed to multi select with "Ctrl" - it is not a confusing feature at all. Please bring it back!

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Dian Coetser on 31 May 2024 07:43:16


This functionality would be very helpful

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Cristina Gomez on 31 May 2024 07:31:41


We need to be able to have one only report with the invoice and QR code!

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Espen Orderud on 31 May 2024 05:51:27


I can't understand why anyone at Microsoft thinks this makes sense. I don't see any possibility that we will be able to use the new planning optimization until this is fixed.

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Rhys Lewis on 31 May 2024 02:44:49


I also had this issue,I am currently working to enable Change Data Feed (CDF) on a Delta table that is sourced from a mirrored Azure SQL database. However, I have encountered an issue when trying to perform this operation within a notebook. The error message, OperationNotAllowedOnTheShortcutPath, indicates that there are restrictions on enabling Change Data Feed for a database that has been shortcutted into a lakehouse.Given this restriction, it appears that the only viable solution is to enable Change Data Feed through the SQL endpoint in the warehouse. However, the SET TBLPROPERTIES command is not supported in the SQL endpoint, which presents a challenge.

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Matthew Mills on 31 May 2024 02:41:50


1) The ability to set Spark Table Properties on the underlying Delta Table that is managed by the Warehouse would potentially enable this and many other features.2) Fabric Mirroring is especially important to have this feature. Fabric is using CDC to replicate a data source into the lake - but we can't use CDC to get that data out of the mirrored database, even though its all Delta under the hood.

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Mohammed Reyaz Ahmad on 30 May 2024 23:05:53


Please vote for this idea. I appreciate your time and effort.

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Jordan Lazarus Bodapaty on 30 May 2024 21:07:53


This is definitely needed. We have the ability to select a particular datawarehouse as a destination of a dataflow but even if the schema name is specified as part of the new table name like schema.table, the table is only created in the dbo schema with name "schema.table" - which is not the expected. As a work around you always have to create a table manually, and then specify the destination as an existing table - which is a lot more work and not fulfilling the requirement of selecting the proper destination.

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Christoph Riechert on 30 May 2024 19:00:36


This is a complete no-brainer. The system should have FULL printing capabilities for financial statements, including formatting of headers, orientation, and footers.

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Afshin Davari on 30 May 2024 18:26:57


With Workday becoming industry leader in HR, expense management, etc. this is a must have.