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Ewa Koletzsky on 29 Apr 2024 08:44:40



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Bok-Him Lin on 29 Apr 2024 08:43:52


Yes we need it to for making a mgration to SaaS smoother

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Ewa Koletzsky on 29 Apr 2024 08:43:09


I definitely agree, this kind of chart is much needed!

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Ewa Koletzsky on 29 Apr 2024 08:41:35


I definitely agree, this kind of chart is much needed!

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Stijn Bruyneel on 29 Apr 2024 08:39:22


@Prabhat Bhargava, I checked Preview of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.40 (July 2024) but do not find any news on this? Can you please give us an update of the status please? Thanks

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Peter Conijn on 29 Apr 2024 08:25:15


I have submitted issue #745 on the System/BaseApp GitHub in order to resolve this.

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Bryan Morris on 29 Apr 2024 08:21:03


I don't know about anyone else, but having the ability to incremental refresh our BC data in Lake House would be a real game-changer for us. Please implement this MS!!!

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Amy Forrest on 29 Apr 2024 07:49:39


For accessibility, and for simple user comfort reasons, Power BI should have a dark mode by now. The workarounds that we have to deal with are insufficient and unacceptable. This needs to be addressed asap.

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Manson Lam on 29 Apr 2024 07:38:16


I have a python script that would like to refresh quarterly and the semantic model is connected two 3 other sources. Since python needs to be run with gateway, I do not want to keep my computer on. Desktop version has the choice to stop loading for certain tables. I hope power BI web can also provide such option!!!!!

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Martin Johansen on 29 Apr 2024 07:12:44


Hopefully this idea will be implemented soon, it will be a valuable update.