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Jonas Merade on 14 May 2024 12:49:54


Thanks to the comment pointing out this is available in the new card visual with the lightning bolt called "card (new)"

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Alexandre ROBIDEL on 14 May 2024 12:37:49


Absolutely necessary function to improve code reliability.

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Kieran Leigh on 14 May 2024 12:16:36


I've been asked to reproduce a financial report in Power BI.I'm using a matrix with values as rows, and a funding line in the "Rows" part. This is mostly working, but in the original the values are titled things like "Percentage of [line] plan", so each area in the matrix has slightly different row titles. An ability to set a custom row title would allow for the existing format to be preserved. A good place for this would be equivalent to the "Dynamic" format now available for measures. I'd also like to use this with visual level calculations - visual level calcs should also be able to set a dynamic name.

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James Gemmell on 14 May 2024 11:56:42


Also - ERNI - not just a report, but auto-output a 1M reversing journal at the month end date - Crediting ERNI account (setup) and Dr accounts per the PO(should also work on the inverse for credit memos)

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俊介 伊藤 on 14 May 2024 11:24:35


I want to make chart creation more efficient using Power BI instead of Excel. However, I can't reproduce the charts in Power BI. I believe this function is used by many Excel users.I'd be really happy if you could help.

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Stepan RAZIN on 14 May 2024 11:24:13


Thanks for submitting this idea, Omar.20 sec instead of 20 ms is too much :)I am surprised we went through Ideas instead of accepting this as a performance issue.

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Mark Douglas on 14 May 2024 11:05:06


I meant to write above that it would be even better to be able to copy or apply these saved favourites to other users rather than having to set each up per user if the same list of favourites can be used

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Mark Douglas on 14 May 2024 11:02:12


I meant to write above that it would be even better to be able to copy or apply these saved views to other users rather than having to set each up per user if the same query can be used

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Jeremy Ifland on 14 May 2024 11:00:36


This would be very useful. We mainly use the lead time to make sure MRP suggests realistic planned orders. However, as mentioned in this idea, there can be slight changes in quantity during the lead time that the purchase want to input on the purchase order to make the planning more accurate.

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Matthys du Toit on 14 May 2024 10:54:33


I agree, what's the point of a dashboard that shows the oldest data first while the current data is out of view until you scroll right? We need a feature to "right-align" the scroll bar automatically after refresh so the most recent data is in view. Some detractors of this idea argue that the chart should be designed to not have a scroll bar or use drill downs instead, both valid, but not applicable to all situations. In our scenario, we want to see the most recent chart data, but want to retain the ability to quickly scroll left to see earlier data.