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Vladimir Jornitski on 13 May 2024 13:52:12


It seems that just updating the data file (like.csv) does not refresh the report at all. Updating the .pbix just for the sake of refreshing data is a real pain, especially since we are using the deployment pipelines. It would be extremely beneficial if report would be updated (even within an hour) when data file is updated,

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Mubeen Faizullah on 13 May 2024 13:50:09


i think Remove Prepayment feature is there, which is like credit note to Prepayment invoice.

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Bettina Beermann on 13 May 2024 13:28:19


Yes, please is needed for companies with multible legal entities.

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James Lees on 13 May 2024 11:55:47


This still seems to be an issue as of May 2024.This "feature" is hinted at in MS documentation but that relates specifically to the display of Int64 values in Power BI visuals. I believe it also affects some Power Query Table.Join and Table.NestedJoin operations - at least where these are not folded back to source databases.I suspect this stems from that fact that Int64.Type is still basically type number in Power Query, just with facets that indicate that it is semantically an integer. Since type number has to support floating point, and the internal implementation is presumably an IEEE double precision floating point number, we end up with only 53 bits of usable integer precision. (Maybe the Power Query library type ought to have been named Int53).As for resolution - To avoid breaking existing code, maybe the internal calculations should use IEEE quadruple precision instead of double precision. However, I agree with the original poster from 2016 that this is particularly an issue with IDs used for relationships. In this application, the numeric significance of the value is less important than its uniqueness and ability to be compared for equality. Maybe a PQ library type based on binary type with facets, rather than number type, would be more useful? (It would probably also be useful to add e.g. some hashing functions to the library to return values of this type.)

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s F on 13 May 2024 11:16:32


This is the way it works in task scheduler in windows server.It should be the same for PBI.I have also the problem with needing different refresh times on different days.

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Mascha Verweij on 13 May 2024 11:15:06


Totally agree! First item chosen and added to products basket should show as first line on the quote - and so onwards. This is a huge problem for our sales teams as our quotations require a specific order of presenting the products to our customers. Having to correct this sorting order manually in the quote by changing line numbers -no drag & drop function :-( - is very inefficient, time consuming and leaves much room for error.I cannot really understand why there isn't much more voting/comments around this topic?After all, in almost every online ordering tool I know chosen items follow this routine of first item on first order line, etc.

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Sukumar Bera on 13 May 2024 10:19:03


This feature would help us convincing customer to transition over to Microsoft Fabric

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Will Needham on 13 May 2024 10:18:13


Agreed - this would be very useful for companies looking to implement a LH-LH-DWH medallion architecture, writing from Silver LH to Gold DWH. Also this limitation damages the overarching narrative around OneLake: to have flexibility behind reading and writing data between the different engines.

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Will Needham on 13 May 2024 10:14:51


Agreed - this would be very useful for companies looking to implement a LH-LH-DWH medallion architecture, writing from Silver LH to Gold DWH. Also this limitation damages the overarching narrative around OneLake: to have flexibility behind reading and writing data between the different engines.

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Koichi Tsuchiya on 13 May 2024 10:08:54


Users accustomed to Excel's Pivot tables have expressed similar opinions. I think the matrix will be easier to read once this is implemented.