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Paul Dart on 23 May 2024 12:33:17


We can use this functionality for sales order, however not for production/works orders.I personally don't see why this can't be added.We would welcome this configuration in our business also.

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Arun Kumar on 23 May 2024 12:20:52


Improve user experience

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Silje Øygarden on 23 May 2024 12:05:40


As of now we are able to add crews in PO lite deployment - but we do not see "Crew strategies" - When we book the crew in the scheduling board - the crew seems to be booked - but error message below shows:Error: "There can be at most one detail per requirement that is in a group"Logg shows the followig:Errorcode:8d1ca30a-441f-4747-bb29-d8b33e547b09 | OpenProject...... is missing prvReadmsdyn_requirementgroup privilege (Id=2475c568-77cd-4b17-bb85-ae854177952c) on OTC=10930 for entity 'msdyn_requirementgroup' (LocalizedName='Requirement Group'). context.Caller=495798df-16da-ee11-904c-6045bd96e8df. Consider adding missed privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles.then Error: 8225c5f6-6f75-4098-9261-937106def975 | missing prvReadmsdyn_requirementgroup privilege (Id=2475c568-77cd-4b17-bb85-ae854177952c) on OTC=10930 for entity 'msdyn_requirementgroup' (LocalizedName='Requirement Group'). context.Caller=495798df-16da-ee11-904c-6045bd96e8df. Consider adding missed privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles.

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Arjan Baken on 23 May 2024 10:10:51


***2nd phrase new look should be old look

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Salma Nsiri on 23 May 2024 10:03:27


I strongly agree, this feature would be so helpful to manage an environment with several extensions.

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Rahmat Jafari on 23 May 2024 09:43:19


Windsor Ai is incredibly useful and fulfills an essential role in our company. It would save alote of my time if they can build this connecter.

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Clinton Dickerson on 23 May 2024 09:15:57


Windsor Ai is incredibly useful and fulfills an essential role in our company. It will be wonderful if this capability could extend to Power BI.

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Maurice Pasman on 23 May 2024 08:42:46


The ISOPlanner Connector helps us with creating compliance reports for our customers. We would very much like to see the ISOPlanner Connector certified and delivered as part of Power BI because I create reports for customers of ISOPlanner. The configuration of the data gateway for multiple customer is very inconvenient, and I don’t want to explain to my customers that they have to install a local data gateway somewhere to refresh the report I create for them.

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Paul Dart on 23 May 2024 08:34:30


Definitely a labour intensive process in our current application with copy and paste activity from client to warehouse management app, this is replicated a number of times to produce individual pack labels.We are rolling out D365 across the business and are coming across the same requirements.We as a customer would welcome this functionality within the receipt process via the Warehouse management app.

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on 23 May 2024 08:30:26


Hello,any update on this? I believe we cant still connect from PBI to Iceberg tables yet, right?