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Klara Calabro on 12 Jun 2024 17:07:19


It would be very helpful. During the calculation process it should be possible to select calculation rule via Record to include, which should be used.

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LUCY M SARDELLA-LAWRENCE on 12 Jun 2024 16:43:14


I agree with Ted. This feature would enable us to identify the report that generated a particular query. Why is this important? Because, in an organization that runs 100's of Power BI reports in Snowflake, when a query is running long it is terminated by the DBA team and we need a way to identify the report that generated the query so we can fix the query (i.e., make it more efficiient)

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Kris Swijsen on 12 Jun 2024 15:04:36


This is really an issue causing the mrp calculation going wrong seeing the inventory of the special order as free inventory for other orders since special orders are not taking in account in the standard mrp calculation and the extra needed item will not be proposed to be ordered. This leads to stock shortages at customers. Please take this issue seriously.

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Luke Argent on 12 Jun 2024 14:40:35


Dear Microsoft Admin - your github link is incorrect.

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Luke Argent on 12 Jun 2024 14:38:46


Any update on this? Wasn't included in latest v24.This would be a massive time save for management of both Sales and Purchase price lists.

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Remy HAYEZ on 12 Jun 2024 14:29:28


Need that too! would be wholesome if implemented.

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on 12 Jun 2024 14:00:12


It is perfect, that we can now use Multi-Select Option sets in Form Fields for our Marketing Forms.
If you have many Option values to choose from, the Form Design is poor though, because we can only choose the Rendering Control Checkbox for Multi-Select Option sets. Is it possible to add the Rendering Control DropDown for Multi-select Option set Form Fields. That way the user using the Form on the Website has the same UI Experience as the User using the same field inside the app.

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on 12 Jun 2024 14:00:12


When a field on a marketing form is required, a Dynamics user is able to set a "Required error message" in the field properties that appears if someone tries to submit the web form without completing the field. Dynamics users are able to set the error message for most form field types. However, when setting an option set form field as required, the "Required error message" field is notably missing. There's a workaround to manually set the error message in HTML, but its not very user friendly (see this post).Users should be able to specify the "Required error message" in the field properties for all field types, including option sets.

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on 12 Jun 2024 14:00:12


If form-level validation is switched on, the when the submit button is pressed and there are validation errors, user should be redirected to the very top of the form so that they can see all the errors at one time.

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Stefan Mikula on 12 Jun 2024 13:37:05


We urgently need this feature as well. Our customer records collective orders months before they are delivered. The delivery location and thus the tax change over the course of the calls. It must be possible to differentiate and invoice bills based on the tax numbers.