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Koen Verbeeck on 14 Jun 2024 07:40:22


Something like .\mywarehouse, instead of myworkspace\mywarehouse. Very similar to how SSIS environment references work (for some reason, I cannot put the URL to the doc page, because it is "malicious input".

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Kurt Denolf on 14 Jun 2024 07:18:14


Would be usefull that this alert shows not only the new status of a KPI but also the onese where it comes fromWhen sale vs Budget is getting to 'On Target', it is usefull to know that it comes from 'Below' or 'Above' target to know if the trend is up or down

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Kurt Denolf on 14 Jun 2024 07:13:53


Any update on this please ?

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Andreas Plankenhorn on 14 Jun 2024 06:48:34


Great idea,our customers and our entire technical team would love to have this feature .

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Axel Zorn on 14 Jun 2024 06:43:45


I agree 100%. This is absolutely necessary and should not be question of votes !

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Helice Chan on 14 Jun 2024 06:17:45


Except the description on Item-based lines, i think it would great that Microsoft can cater this request for all the types (Fixed Assets, Items, Resources..etc.) available from Sales & Purchase transaction.

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Anil Kumar Pandey on 14 Jun 2024 06:13:27


We are preferring for "Type" "Item" as well as for "Fixed Assets" too.ThanksAnil Pandeyt

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HIROYUKI HAYAKAWA on 14 Jun 2024 00:01:59



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Andrew Huxham on 13 Jun 2024 22:11:17


Would be handy to make an obvious button or default

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Rob van Bekkum on 13 Jun 2024 21:54:05


As a better alternative you can use the "AZ AL Dev Tools" VS Code extension which includes a feature-rich object browser which supports filtering capabilities where you can use the same filtering syntax as you can use in the BC cluent.It already has these capabilities since January, 2019 ;)