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Manisankar Bukhara on 18 Jul 2024 10:56:47


Call Facebook Live Support 24-hour customer service phone number at 1-862-345-7100. They will assist you to recover your Facebook account if you have the valid documents with you.or Facebook business accounts, connect to a live representative by following these steps:Visit the official Facebook business page.Log in with your email and password.Find the "Chat us" option.Enter your query in the chat box and click "Start chat."Connect with a representative for assistance at 1-862-345-7100.

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Kieran Leigh on 18 Jul 2024 10:07:14


It's sometimes frustrating to be editing DAX when you can't see the results because the code is on top!

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Niels ten Hove on 18 Jul 2024 09:45:26


Would love to be able to change this. Seems like such basic functionality that we run into all the time.

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Andreas Wilhelmy on 18 Jul 2024 09:27:10


Is there still no news in this matter? Our customers have to create imaginative workarounds that create a lot of additional workload, just to handle a drop shipment which should actually decrease workload.The business process of selling to a customer and receiving his payment is totally separated from the process of ordering from a vendor and paying his invoice. It is illogical to make the posting of the purchase invoice depend on receiving the payment for the sales order in the first place. In my opinion this is a mistake and should finally be corrected.

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Thu-Ha Pham on 18 Jul 2024 08:55:17


This scenario is so common. Surprised that it doesn't have a lot of votes yet. Agents would be very happy to have this functionality OOB and it would streamline the user experience.

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Aliaksandr Zinukou on 18 Jul 2024 07:53:16


As per Analyze in Excel - it works in Import, but not in DirectQuery.

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Aliaksandr Zinukou on 18 Jul 2024 07:40:11


Also I found that the same hierarchies can't be used in Analyze in Excel...

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Shelley Rowlatt on 18 Jul 2024 07:32:19


This is the highest voted request in this section, and was raised 4 years ago.Surely this has to be added to an update soon, this is a massive gap functionality to avoid the risk of fraud.

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Marcel Mommsen on 18 Jul 2024 06:55:50


In germany the same problem. All the time I am looking for "Buchungsblatt" "Buchungsblätter" "Blattname" (that's what I needed to search in older versions), when actually it is called "Fibu Buch.-Blätter"We need to add keywords for the search - urgently!

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Tim Schubiger on 18 Jul 2024 06:36:10


Oh wow, it has been 3 years already. This is a crucial feature and the fact that it works over via the PBI interface shows that it is not a security issue. Would be great if someone from the product team could comment on this.