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on 04 Jun 2024 22:07:26


Marsiella Quinlan

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on 04 Jun 2024 22:07:25


Marsiella Quinlan

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Ken Mistove on 04 Jun 2024 21:51:35


I was just asked if something like this connector exists for Windsor. Please implement. We definitely have a use for it.

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Marco Squinzi on 04 Jun 2024 20:19:45


Dear Beatriz Nebot Gracia,any news?we understand you are very busy, but we too!an answer is apreciated !

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Kevin Lindner on 04 Jun 2024 19:43:18


As for now, the production order supports Inventory Pu-aways. However, as for now, the Inv. put-away basically also works for posting the output, which can make sense. However, sometimes the output is already posted (sometimes directly from the production worker) and then it is not possible to work with Inv. put-aways.The following process would make much more sense:Expanding the options for "Prod. Output Whse. Handling" by "Warehouse Put-away".If "Use put-away worksheets" is not active on the location, posting output should directly create a warehouse put away, just like it is with warehouse receips.If "Use put-away worksheets" is active on the location, it should be possible to select the prod. order in the Put-Away Worksheet to combine it with other warehouse documents.This would be a great feature, which could be added quite naturally to existing features and setups.Additionally, it would also be interesting to combine it with some kind of Cross-Dock funtionallity. For example: the main demand for my production order is a sales order line with 5 pieces. Due to reorder policies and order modifiers on the item card, the production order request 10 pieces to produce. Now it would be great, if the put-away could be split to transfer 5 pieces into the warehouse for storage and the other 5 pieces to a cross dock bin for shipment.

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Kevin Lindner on 04 Jun 2024 19:23:27


I Support this request. As a Consultant, my main focus are companies with manufacturing processes and everyone uses subcontracting and everyone needs the possibilty to provide additional items for the subcontractor via Transfer Orders.This is no niche function, but basic needs for most producing companies. And while you're at it... it is also commonly needed to transfer the non finished product to the subcontractor. In reality, the non finished production item is running through warehouse processes like Warehouse Shipments and once it returns from the subcontractor, it is received with a Warehouse Receive for example.Again, this is daily business for most companies who work with subcontractors and they cannot handle this process in BC without any extensions.

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Santhosh Kumar Ravindran on 04 Jun 2024 18:53:31


Thank you sharing this. For spark workloads I have included this to my list for the upcoming semester to make the burst factor configurable.

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Benjamin MACLEAN on 04 Jun 2024 18:46:41


This is a much needed feature. Please PLEASE PLEASE add this.

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Satya Kakarlapudi on 04 Jun 2024 18:42:35


Please make the export button visible. Thank you

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Deborah O'Brien on 04 Jun 2024 17:32:11


Allowing a contact to decline ensures we can stop any future sends regarding the event to this individual. It also shows engagement with our email even if they can't attend. There is value in knowing this.