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on 24 Apr 2024 15:48:35



It's been a while, but I just saw an article online about and thought it important to message you guys to validate this nonsense.

It seems like there's some rumors circulating that could be harmful to your reputation.
Understanding how easily stories can get out of hand and wishing not you to be unprepared, I thought it best to inform you.

Here's where I found the info:

I'm hoping it's all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

Best wishes,

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Lucia Reguera Gomez on 24 Apr 2024 15:45:59


This would be very useful!!! We need it!

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Gaurangkumar Jani on 24 Apr 2024 15:43:43


Localization in Portugal is crucial since there is currently only one vendor offering a solution, posing a significant risk for multinational companies reliant on a single point of failure. Portugal represents a substantial economy within Europe and is an expanding market for Dynamics 365 F&SCM.

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David Wheat on 24 Apr 2024 15:33:30


This feature is critical to being able to use a B2B customer portal where customers can see and pay their invoices, even if they didn't original in Shopify. I have clients where only some orders originate in Shopify and others come in through traditional sales channels like CRM. Those invoices need to make it back to Shopify to give B2B customers a one-stop place to see all of their invoices, shipments, etc. and make payments using Shopify B2B features.

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Kieran Leigh on 24 Apr 2024 15:03:19


You can set a highlight interaction, but:Slicers can't send themTables can't receive them, only charts.So there are two parts to this.As for the auto filter, this is currently #3 most requested on the Ideas site. My understanding is that this will arrive as part of the New Slicer, but at a later stage.

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Rebecca Smith on 24 Apr 2024 14:55:22


This is such a key part of transitioning between outbound and real-time and generally a useful function. Please make real time at a minimum be able to deliver functionality offered by outbound.

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Kieran Leigh on 24 Apr 2024 14:49:05


It's pretty normal to have hidden tabs shown to users, for example via bookmark navigation, or as drill pages.One problem here is that Power BI will always set the selected page as default when publishing. It should be possible to select a page as the default, and always have that as the user default, no matter what page was selected. There are plenty of requests for this.There are also requests for page level security, which would cover the case where a hidden page must never be shown to users, even if they have the URL.

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Fabian Schröder-Schöttke on 24 Apr 2024 14:44:37


Important function and discribes exactly what people in SMEs usually need

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Bert De Mets on 24 Apr 2024 14:35:49


Yes, agreed this would help a lot.Best solution to avoid this now is to create one query per dataflow, but would be much easier if we can contain all queries in one dataflow, but refresh them separately if wanted.

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Manal Haimour on 24 Apr 2024 14:33:58


Sounds like a good idea. I hope Microsoft would consider this in the next update.