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John Sauber on 01 May 2024 02:25:12


This is hilarious. How can you remove this from the client experience when it used to be there? This is going back to the RTC client, which was far superior to today's web BS. It just doesn't perform the same. Super users know it, MS apparently does not.So far, we're sticking with the last RTC client until the SaaS version gets real.

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Sheikh Mydheen on 30 Apr 2024 22:20:29


This Feature is must to show the right status to customer and refund status.

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Mark Smith on 30 Apr 2024 21:22:34


I would like to expand on this to say it would be nice if we could allocate space to each environment instead of having to spin up a pay as you go option to accomplish it. It is so risky to allow groups to use the Dataverse when it is pooled the way it is. We have had people run dataflows that took up over 400 GB of space. So for now we dropped the ability to use it.

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:27


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:25


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:23


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:21


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:18


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:16


Ponciano Ravizzini

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on 30 Apr 2024 14:40:15


Ponciano Ravizzini