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James Lees on 15 May 2024 12:35:51


I often have a dataflow with entirely gateway sources, and, as well as the "final" output queries of the dataflow (which must be marked as "Loaded"), want to materialise intermediate tables for efficiency (especially when using Enhanced Compute Engine, as downstream queries are then sometimes folded back as SQL)This results in the error message "On-Prem execution not supported for entity" because technically these intermediate tables now count as cloud sources.However, tables in dataflows CAN be accessed by the gateway . That is precisely what happens if you add a linked dataflow but opt to load Via Gateway.It would be VERY helpful if internal "output" entities in the same dataflow could also be accessed via the gateway in this way. 

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Kieran Leigh on 15 May 2024 12:04:21


Not being able to set the data type in the main edit box is definitely a frustration every time I create a custom column. Having a drop down or combo box to select common types would be a help - adding it in the formula bar afterwards is kind of fiddly, and I don't always remember the exact syntax for the type names. I hadn't considered the ability to set the step name as well, but it makes a lot of sense. Setting custom step names is important - when I come back to a report later I'm not going to remember exactly what a step is doing, so I try to keep up with naming and commenting my steps. Having the step name available in the box when creating it would be a good reminder to keep up with it. It's easy to blast through creating a bunch of steps, and then find next time you open the query that none of them have useful names. Having the step name in front of you when creating it would be a nudge to do it at the time. The step name box could even have a combo dropdown with suggested names: for example, if you created a column and named it "Total", the step name would default to "Added column" as now, but it would also offer "Added Total", "Added column: Total" etc. as options. Personally, I prefer to use ➕ in my step names when adding a column as it is both clearly visible which steps add a column, and also makes the text more easily scannable as you're only reading the actual column name. As I write this, I got done just yesterday working through a workbook I'd created a while back - there was a lot of step renaming to do. Despite my best efforts to keep things clean, things slip. If the type and step name options were right there, I think the misses would be a lot lower.

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Koen Verbeeck on 15 May 2024 11:31:19


Needless to say, the absence of ALTER makes the warehouse useless. You can't use it in CI/CD unless you drop/recreate tables.

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Koen Verbeeck on 15 May 2024 11:29:40


Any updates on this? This is blocking the import of data from postgresql where json is stored in a column.

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Rafal Bozyk on 15 May 2024 09:44:58


Great idea, each quality update can include changes to processes making impact for customer customizations. Proactive notifications will allow us to check their impact beforehand.

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张文彬 张文彬 on 15 May 2024 09:34:27


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Sven VAN LIEROP on 15 May 2024 09:27:02


Yes, please add this feature (normal, expected behavior). That should really solve a lot.

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Michael Greenway on 15 May 2024 06:31:19


This is vital for accurate forecast reduction.

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Kilian Seizinger on 15 May 2024 04:39:30


I would love to see this, but please provide an placeholder for the event name and the object name with cleaned names.What I mean that every character that requires "" is removed.e g. SalesPost for the Sales Post Codeunit.And the same pattern for Events

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Johnny McGregor on 14 May 2024 22:59:36


How is it 7 years later and they have not enabled this capability?