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Jean-Nicolas Piketty on 12 Jun 2024 12:53:42


Hi,I'm working for the agriculture in the French West Indies.I was able to create a map with the gps location of every Banana bunch on plots.Would be great if the workers were able to have the map on their cellphone with their position so they can find a specific bunch on the field?Please add the feature;Thanks and regards

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Neil Cotton on 12 Jun 2024 11:57:58


This would be a really helpful feature

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Katie Nguyen on 12 Jun 2024 10:16:13


The report should show entries in Debit and Credit as it does for Ledger - Ledger account type.

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Nicolas Maddaluno on 12 Jun 2024 10:06:10


Absolutely needed for streamlining the process: some CRM users needs to go directly into deploying their marketing campaigns quickly and so, CRM specialist like me, they have to create "packages" of journeys that can suit their needs and be deployed fast and efficiently.

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Sneha Shahare on 12 Jun 2024 09:13:15


Hello Admin,Do we have any LCS link for this feature?Which version will this be released in?Thank you!

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PowerBI Whisperer on 12 Jun 2024 09:09:47


Relative Date filtering for calendar week/month/year completely unusable as is. Monday to Sunday is the ISO 8601 world recognised standard. Please fix this bug asap!Mercy Microsoft, mercy!

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BECARE Vilrokx on 12 Jun 2024 08:56:51


This week I have experienced a big issue because of this bug.I created a sales order line for 1 pc of a certain item. It was a special order SO line.There is not stockI ran req. worksheet, because it is a sepcial order the SO line is not picked up. So no shortage. That is OKThan create the special order Purcahse Order. Now SO line and PO linked are linked to each other, but not reserved or tracked to each other.Receive the 1 pc from the vendor, now 1 pc is in inventory.I created a 2nd sales order line for 1 pc of the same item. But this time it was not a special order SO line.I ran req. worksheet again and still no shortage because the inventory that should belong to the first SO line which is not yet shipped is seen as available stock for the 2nd SO. So I need (demand) 2 pcs and I only have 1 pc available (supply) but the req worksheet does not see this as a shortage (Only when setup of SKU says 'include inventory')Why is there no reservation or tracking between special order SO and special order PO. What is the advantage for using special orders if there is no tracking?

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Zak Zhang on 12 Jun 2024 08:22:33


Voting for something basic and important!

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Zak Zhang on 12 Jun 2024 08:22:05


Voting for something basic and important!

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Olav Seljeseth on 12 Jun 2024 05:58:22


Integrating crew functionality into Project Operations is essential for organizations that manage projects with designated teams. Crew functionality aligns with modern project management needs, enabling more efficient operations, enhanced coordination, and better project outcomes. Without this feature, we risk losing out on many potential opportunities, as it could be a dealbreaker for clients who require robust team management capabilities.