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Christos Ampatzidis on 01 May 2024 14:14:48


correcting 1st line: Currently the email editor seems to use an old editor version which only supports inline html style and not css, since only the body of the html is editable.

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Andrew Kwa on 01 May 2024 14:03:04


IGNORE THIS! You CAN do this. I has something setup incorrectly.

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Tycho Menger on 01 May 2024 13:03:43


That would indeed be a good change!! very annoying now :(

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Allison Buckle on 01 May 2024 11:58:31


This was opened in 2016, how has this not been done yet?

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Tom Haniff on 01 May 2024 11:09:47


Seconded.There is no control over position of header icons currently, and this limits report design in a pretty disappointing way.For example, I design a report in PBI Desktop and header icons appear inside each visual. I then publish, and PBI Service decides to place the icons outside each visual, even though they get hidden by the other adjacent visuals. I can do nothing about this. To add to the issue, header icons do not seem to respect the setting 'maintain layer order' = off) meaning there is not even a way to bring overlapping header icons to the 'front'.As a result I am forced to waste space in all of my Power BI reports as leaving c. 30-40 pixels gap around all visuals is apparently the only way to ensure the header icon UI will work reliably for users. I cannot believe Microsoft would intend for this limitation. The idea to control header icon position would solve these issues.

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Nina Commons on 01 May 2024 10:22:23


I have voted. Our team would like to see an increase in the size of the segment query. At the moment we are having to work around the current 4,000 character limit, however, when we get into more complex segments this creates an issue. The current character limit hinders the segments we need to build, therefore, it is crucial that this is prioritised.

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Kieran Leigh on 01 May 2024 09:22:57


Sounds like the "Sync slicers" option will do what you want?

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John Sauber on 01 May 2024 02:25:12


This is hilarious. How can you remove this from the client experience when it used to be there? This is going back to the RTC client, which was far superior to today's web BS. It just doesn't perform the same. Super users know it, MS apparently does not.So far, we're sticking with the last RTC client until the SaaS version gets real.

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Sheikh Mydheen on 30 Apr 2024 22:20:29


This Feature is must to show the right status to customer and refund status.

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Mark Smith on 30 Apr 2024 21:22:34


I would like to expand on this to say it would be nice if we could allocate space to each environment instead of having to spin up a pay as you go option to accomplish it. It is so risky to allow groups to use the Dataverse when it is pooled the way it is. We have had people run dataflows that took up over 400 GB of space. So for now we dropped the ability to use it.