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Andreas Truedsson on 28 May 2024 11:44:41


Good idea! For some sites, we are tracking inventory in flow racks. The function would be very useful to ensure that each flow rack lane hold a specific date, even when there are multiple batches with the same date.

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on 28 May 2024 10:23:53



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Dominik Dürst on 28 May 2024 09:47:30


We are happy that the feature is now available via the UI, but on the other hand we miss the REST APIs to set and change these levels via the code. Are there any plans to add this?

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Celia Mena on 28 May 2024 09:46:26


I would like to request support for Flextable R package in Power BI Service:The flextable package provides a framework to easily create tables for reporting and publications. Functions are provided to let users create tables, modify and format their content, and define their content.Tables can be embedded within:R Markdown documents with support for HTML, Word, PDF and PowerPoint documents.Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents with package officer.Tables can also be rendered as R plots or graphic files (png, pdf and jpeg).

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Martin Poeckl on 28 May 2024 09:44:44


I'd rather vote for enabling Top N filters in read mode (web and mobile).

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Celia Mena on 28 May 2024 09:44:30


I would like to request support for Officer R package in Power BI Service:The officer package lets R users manipulate Word (.docx) and PowerPoint (*.pptx) documents. In short, one can add images, tables and text into documents from R. An initial document can be provided; contents, styles and properties of the original document will then be available. It also supports the writing of ‘RTF’ documents.

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Chuck Roberts on 28 May 2024 09:42:51


Same! Our SQL statements can be 80 lines or more!There are other requests for this same thing that have been open for 8 years. Just change the window from modal to sizable.

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Chuck Roberts on 28 May 2024 09:40:47


Is this the "SQL Statement" window when editing a query? This also needs to be expanded. The title of the window is "SQL Server Database".

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Theo van Tonder on 28 May 2024 09:22:37


Yes, it would be very nice to be able to interact with the custom tooltips for longer than a few seconds on mouse hover..I have a report with custom tooltips which are connected to tooltip pages.The action that I would like on mouse hover:The tooltip should appear on mouse hover as per current behavior in power biUser must then be able to push a button which freezes the tooltip until an "Unfreeze" button is selected.During the time when the tooltip is "Frozen", the user should be able to interact with all the visuals etc displayed on that "Frozen" tooltip.User should also have the option to Expand (Make full Screen) the "Frozen" Custom Tooltip.These features would be a great improvement.

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Daniel De Castro Santos Silva on 28 May 2024 06:56:19


This will indeed be something quite handy!!