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Mark Champion on 31 May 2024 11:27:56


I should have added that it would also be more user friendly if you could multi-select several lines in the list of snapshots and then click "run snapshot once" so you get the latest set of balances for several companies at once.

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on 31 May 2024 11:22:57


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on 31 May 2024 11:16:25


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on 31 May 2024 11:16:22


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Sigve Ellingsen on 31 May 2024 11:14:17


If the feature key “Saved views support for workspaces” is activated. Then you cannot publish a workspace where a new tile already is added. If you try D365FO will then report the error message: ”You cannot publish this view as some user-added elements in the workspace are not backed by published views. Check the Action center for more details.”

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on 31 May 2024 11:12:10


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on 31 May 2024 11:10:42


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Mark Champion on 31 May 2024 11:07:09


Does the new functionality in 10.0.39 address your request?

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John Hendrickx on 31 May 2024 09:43:20


There are more issues / limitations related to decimal attributes... Consider the case where a decimal attribute is activated for "reuse in configurations" and the model is used "stand-alone" (attribute values entered by the user) as well as a subcomponent in another model (attribute values calculated in and passed by the parent model). We've noticed that the "reuse" fails even if the attribute value is "the same" in the 2 configuration cases. When using the attribute in the nomenclature, it appears that the attribute has 2 decimals when entered by the user (e.g. 12.00) and no decimals when calculated and passed from the parent model (12) which is weird because after all it is a numeric in both cases...We currently use a workaround with an additional INT attribute for "reuse in configurations", but it needlessly complicates the model... would be nice if the configurator would consistently use the same number of decimals (from the UOM) everywhere and apply rounding when needed

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M P on 31 May 2024 08:33:03


Yes please! I thought this was a bug. Means I can't use the new slicer :( Our users are very accustomed to multi select with "Ctrl" - it is not a confusing feature at all. Please bring it back!