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Thomas Morgadinho Pascoa on 14 May 2024 07:55:44


In addition to this, some really cool features can involve sync between LinkedIn advertising and Dynamics:Lead Gen Form sync between LinkedIn forms and lead formsLinkedIn triggers available in customer journeys : if LinkedIn Lead Gen form filled > action in CJBehavior scoring based on Social Media actionsetc. you name it...I'd say this is a basic in any marketing automation platform on the market today.

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Virginie Duplantier on 14 May 2024 07:39:48


Please reconsider use cases. It is a must to have the ability to add social media to our customer journeys! LinkedIn, not to name it, cannot be overlooked. D365 has to consider this. The best software company is expected to provide the best service to its customers.

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Matthias Richter on 14 May 2024 07:29:29


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE implement this idea! It will make many things much easier and a lot more possible!With this different visuals could be laid over another, it would be so easy to show or hide one of it by a simple slicer selection. No komplex bookmark settings and configurations are needed. Like said before in an other comment, hidden visuals should be completly hidden, that means not to be interactable. Instead interactions with the shown visual should be possible.

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Darren Ventham on 14 May 2024 07:08:14


This would be Super useful. Also under monthly, if it was possible to add things like, working day 4 or the first Monday / the Last Friday.

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SujeetKumar Shete on 14 May 2024 05:56:04


Every customer is asking this functionality.

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Xiaowu Chen on 14 May 2024 03:00:49


Agree, it is painful to assign security role to bulk users!

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Tamsin Thoren on 13 May 2024 20:23:17


The current format for this function requires changing visualization layering, editing the interaction, and then returning the layering to the desired state. It's extremely inefficient. A pane for interactions would significantly increase my efficiency.

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on 13 May 2024 18:59:10


hi, just a warning,

It's been some time, but I recently stumbled upon a very negative opinon online about and thought it was important to message you guys to validate this review.

It appears like there's some unfavorable news that could be potentially damaging.
Understanding how easily stories can get out of hand and hoping not you to be caught off guard, I decided to notify you.

Here's where I came across the info:

I'm hoping it's all a simple confusion, but it seemed prudent you should know!

Best wishes,
Jada Westbrook

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Diana Yam on 13 May 2024 18:28:18


We are looking to see if MS can offer PBI app or solution for real-time monitoring and alerting on long running refreshes as well. We ran into the same issue with long running dataset refreshes and have no way to identify the issue except to manually look at refresh runtime after they complete. Would be interested to know if there is a solution soon.

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Sylvain LE ROC'H on 13 May 2024 16:48:20


Hello,We can propose a first version that we already use since months (first use 19/07/2023), after removing the sources and credentials.Here is our context:We have a fairly complex data refresh schedule that varies every day with a large number of data refreshes. We noticed that the refreshes took longer at certain times, and varied slightly from one day to the next (between 0:00 and 3:00 and then around 6:00), without any warning about the occupancy of the source systems or the on-premise gateway services.To analyze this phenomenon, we built 2 identical reports:- dataset type, then dataflow type (both are concerned)- to a single SAP Hana source (currently being upgraded to add a Sharepoint source, so without on-premise gateway flow)- The 2 Datasets and Dataflow are identical, same HANA view, same transformation in Power Query. The only difference is in the Gateway used for each refresh. In one case, we use the Gateway Prod, in the other the Gateway tech QUAL. The differences in duration between the 2 refreshes therefore depend on the Gateway, its network or its ability to communicate with the bus. On the AWS PROD Gateway, there is a peak between 0 and 3 hours, which corresponds to the period during which this Gateway is "overloaded". During this period, refresh times can be multiplied by 10 or 15 on a few occasions between 0:00 and 3:00 and then around 6:00, every day, including weekends. No parameter monitored on the Gateway server confirms this overload, and in fact it has been resized twice, doubling the size, with no improvement and probably generating unnecessary costs. We need to identify the source of this limitation in order to find a solution.