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Rahmat Jafari on 23 May 2024 09:43:19


Windsor Ai is incredibly useful and fulfills an essential role in our company. It would save alote of my time if they can build this connecter.

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Clinton Dickerson on 23 May 2024 09:15:57


Windsor Ai is incredibly useful and fulfills an essential role in our company. It will be wonderful if this capability could extend to Power BI.

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Maurice Pasman on 23 May 2024 08:42:46


The ISOPlanner Connector helps us with creating compliance reports for our customers. We would very much like to see the ISOPlanner Connector certified and delivered as part of Power BI because I create reports for customers of ISOPlanner. The configuration of the data gateway for multiple customer is very inconvenient, and I don’t want to explain to my customers that they have to install a local data gateway somewhere to refresh the report I create for them.

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Paul Dart on 23 May 2024 08:34:30


Definitely a labour intensive process in our current application with copy and paste activity from client to warehouse management app, this is replicated a number of times to produce individual pack labels.We are rolling out D365 across the business and are coming across the same requirements.We as a customer would welcome this functionality within the receipt process via the Warehouse management app.

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on 23 May 2024 08:30:26


Hello,any update on this? I believe we cant still connect from PBI to Iceberg tables yet, right?

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David PROVOST on 23 May 2024 07:13:10


Arrows to scroll between tabs are quite narrow. I happen to move the tabs I'm working on to the left, and move them back to their right location afterwards.Side mouse wheels are quite common nowadays, it would be great to enable it on bottom tabs.

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on 23 May 2024 04:17:26


As paginated reports become more & more robust within Power BI, the ability to track & monitor those reports should as well. When we think of tracking the performance of these reports we should adapt the metrics to monitor the subscriptions of these reports as well.

Some valuable data points would be:

Total number of Subscriptions per report (Provide details at the workspace level, even tenant level for tenant admins)

Delivery insights (Was the subscription workflow successfully sent, idle, or failed)

Subscription details (User details, and frequency of subscription)

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Michelle Tan on 23 May 2024 01:31:33


We definitely need this feature in real-time marketing so that our journey creations can be more streamlined.

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Michelle Tan on 23 May 2024 01:27:03


This is a critical and extremely useful functionality. It's a pity that it isn't currently provided in real-time marketing.

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Jonathan Boarman on 22 May 2024 23:33:41


I don't see this called out in the roadmap. Which item does this connect to?