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Ros Atkins on 31 Jul 2024 15:53:51


There are occasions when by agreement with the supplier the amount ordered will not be fulfilled. We want to be able to report back on the amount under delivered/over ordered but we also want to close off the order at the month end/year end so that it is not shown as a committed spend going forward. Your solution does not allow for this.

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Ros Atkins on 31 Jul 2024 15:37:58


is this same as idea

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Michael Ellis on 31 Jul 2024 15:37:04


I agree, we need this capability, and I would rather not go to the expense of trying to implement a workaround in Power Automate or Logic Apps if the feature can be included in the product.

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Britt Blum on 31 Jul 2024 15:28:52


Completely agree. Being able to batch post fixed asset and project journals would be extremely helpful. It is done in other modules so why not in these two?

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Ros Atkins on 31 Jul 2024 14:59:33


I think that the idea is logical - calculate the discount first, round, then multiply by quantity - but so is the current process of calculating the line amount and then applying the discount. Perhaps there should be an option in setup to determine whether discount is calculated on the line amount or the unit amount???

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Ros Atkins on 31 Jul 2024 13:41:40


Is this similar or same as the Dimension on Dimension Idea?

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Agata Graff on 31 Jul 2024 09:07:39


This idea deserves way more support!

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Bhav Gokani on 31 Jul 2024 09:00:52


Brilliant idea, a lot of users are asking for this!

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Alex Dean on 31 Jul 2024 08:44:17


@Julian Gimbel, The link does not mention anything about Service principals for fabric api no more. Did MS take it off the roadmap?????I hope not. Seeing the development for terraform, which also needs service principal support on an item level, I assume it's been rolled into that one. Keeping fingers crossed

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Deborah Ofili on 31 Jul 2024 08:27:30


Hi Alba/Sergio,As promised your request has reached the engineering team, Ian, one of the authors of the public documentation has also been responded here acknowledging your request and confirming that this has been taking in for consideration.The documentation has also been updated.Thank you for this profound suggested.We appreciate you!