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Amit Pattnaik on 12 Jul 2024 09:50:21


Any Update, when this can be LIVE

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Amit Pattnaik on 12 Jul 2024 09:29:21


Team,Can this be priorities? As Service Principal not able to execute Fabric notebook, automation use case related to event based trigger using Azure Function can be achieved. Please help.

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frithjo v on 12 Jul 2024 09:16:25


Existing workarounds like using DAX Studio or DAX Query View to evaluate DAX virtual tables cannot take the full Filter context of the actual report visuals into account (e.g. when the report uses table visuals, line chart visuals, etc. we cannot replicate the evaluation context for each data point easily in DAX Query View), and is therefore of limited usefulness.Many times, a better workarund is using the TOSCV workaround ( because this can be used inside a table visual, and therefore be exposed to the actual evaluation context (filter context) in the visual. However this is cumbersome and can make the visual difficult to read during debugging (e.g. due to limited formatting of the csv string, and size limitations).

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Thomas Cole on 12 Jul 2024 09:06:59


We require this - our supervisors currently create (manually) stock movement work to request stock from our secondary warehouse. The operative processing this work should be able to overpick against this work

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Thomas Cole on 12 Jul 2024 09:00:40


This would be very useful. As individuals, we work around it by setting as light mode for live environment and dark mode for test environments, but that's limited in usefulness as it (a) is user specific, (b) gets reset by database refresh from live environment

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Binesh Singh on 12 Jul 2024 08:32:49


@Business Central Team (administrator) why do you need more vote when the feature already exists in the prior it not your responsibility to get it back?

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Joris Jans on 12 Jul 2024 07:56:17


Please update status of the roadmap, I have another customer case who needs the Shipping agent functionality, like the Sales process.

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jessika hansen on 12 Jul 2024 06:58:43


Official Website

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Hien Nguyen on 12 Jul 2024 05:46:47


Any update on this topic?

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SAM SMITH on 12 Jul 2024 05:24:18


Absolutly No, Cash App does not guarantee refunds for scams 888-431-8933. If you can demonstrate at that the transaction was fraudulent and that you did not consent to it, [1-888-431-8933] you will receive a refund.