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on 31 Jul 2024 00:21:31



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on 31 Jul 2024 00:21:27



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on 31 Jul 2024 00:21:22



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on 31 Jul 2024 00:20:58



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on 31 Jul 2024 00:17:20



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on 31 Jul 2024 00:10:21



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Kenny Daly on 30 Jul 2024 21:22:20


Hi, is still on the work plan? It would be very useful

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Spencer Siegel on 30 Jul 2024 21:15:57


The ability to pin visuals from reports across multiple workspaces into a single dashboard would be incredibly beneficial. Dashboards are functionally useless for my organization because report designers all have their own workspaces (our semantic models are all kept in their own workspace). Having this feature would allow me to create comprehensive and consolidated dashboards that provide senior management with a holistic view of our data across various teams. This would enhance cross-departmental visibility and streamline our reporting process. My executive team, like many others, needs summarized insights from different sources without the hassle of reorganizing our workspaces. Implementing this feature would significantly simplify our workflows and raise the utility and efficiency of our dashboards to a whole new level. It’s a crucial addition that would make Power BI far more effective for our data visualization and decision-making needs.

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M Haldeman on 30 Jul 2024 21:00:35


Currently...To get this information, I have to run multiple admin api's, including Get Datasources for each dataset. This takes 10 hours to run through all of our datasets in the tenant. Then I have to map it to the output of Get Datasources for the gateway. I am afraid to just let the 10 hour job run unattended, so I break it up in to workable time segments, which requires this to be a manual process. It is only something that can be done every quarter at best. We can see in the workspace lineage views on the tenant that the data is already linked and available, so please expose the same linkage view from the gateway connection perspective.Additionally adding "last time used" attribute on the Get Datasource Status api or in the proposed new lineage view, would help us identify inactive connections that are still attached to datasets not being refreshed. I have tried to use the actual gateway logs from the servers, but this only exposes active connections. I have to manipulate the output to throw into Excel and perform vlookups for the connections that don't show up and assume they are inactive from a very limited point of time captured in a log file. In summary, Administrators don't have time to come up with adhoc solutions such as this and would GREATLY benefit from this view. I know how voting works and this won't even be reviewed most likely. There aren't enough Admins to increase the votes. :(

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Akhil Joshi on 30 Jul 2024 19:36:26


Are there any updates on this ?