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Sami Nsibi on 10 Jul 2024 06:46:55


My UC to this is, having an easy way to inform the workspace about a current outage of the system, i.e. failing refreshes of a dataset.

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Chieh-Lin Wu on 10 Jul 2024 05:59:57


It's upset that the "New" look brings more inconveniences. Please change it back to the display or provide visibility to extend the field for better display

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Antony Borlase on 10 Jul 2024 01:55:03


This would be a useful function.Today's businesses have several audiences that need to see data, and not all data is the same. Rather than copying a single 'pbix' file several times to save with certain pages hidden, being about to add the sections to pages in Power BI Desktop before publishing would enable the seamless revision to measures that several visuals may use, but not all audiences.

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Twinkle Cyril on 09 Jul 2024 22:28:41


ALTER TABLE Add nullable column feature is now supported.

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Twinkle Cyril on 09 Jul 2024 22:23:46


ALTER TABLE Add nullable column feature is now supported.

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Thomas Wiegelman on 09 Jul 2024 20:40:40


Trying again, I last commented here back or "07 Feb 2024 18:31:45" (see below) and no resolution yet - I have a feeling that one team is not talking to the other team...The "Request Access" for BUILD permission ONLY may have been "shipped" but the simple "Request Access" to a dataset within a Workspace has not, that is READ access to a dataset within a Workspace still sends the generic email from the requestor to the dataset owner - the end user does NOT get a pop up telling them to submit a ticket to our help desk as I instructed!!!Please review this again - I can send screen shots of the override I set up on the dataset and of the email I get instead of the end user getting the message if that is needed or check our your learn page as I have done exactly what is specified here yet it does not give the end user the message, instead it sends me a generic email "Build permission for shared semantic models - Power BI | Microsoft Learn" that the URL even says "Build permission" when you copy and paste the direct link to the page - just saying...)Your help is appreciated.Thank you,Tom

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Barrett Teague on 09 Jul 2024 19:51:40


Holy moly, why is this question even needing to be asked? Why is this not available?

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Smart Laiyer on 09 Jul 2024 19:13:13


To change your name on a American reservation, access your American account and navigate to the booking management area, or contact customer care or the 1-800-214-7428 (OTA) or 1-800-214-7428(USA). Minor changes are straightforward, but legal name changes require paperwork and may incur costs depending on the ticket type.

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Smart Laiyer on 09 Jul 2024 19:08:06


To change your name on a American reservation, access your American account and navigate to the booking management area, or contact customer care or the 1-800-214-7428 (OTA) or 1-800-214-7428(USA). Minor changes are straightforward, but legal name changes require paperwork and may incur costs depending on the ticket type.

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Smart Laiyer on 09 Jul 2024 19:06:20


To change your name on a American reservation, access your American account and navigate to the booking management area, or contact customer care or the 1-800-214-7428 (OTA) or 1-800-214-7428(USA). Minor changes are straightforward, but legal name changes require paperwork and may incur costs depending on the ticket type.