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on 11 May 2024 11:06:57


Nahrain Valasco

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on 11 May 2024 11:06:54


Nahrain Valasco

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on 11 May 2024 11:06:52


Nahrain Valasco

's profile image Profile Picture

on 11 May 2024 11:06:50


Nahrain Valasco

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Gabriel Fernandes De Souza on 11 May 2024 05:02:16


GREAT IDEAThis would help many users!

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Faizaan Mustafa on 10 May 2024 20:35:25


This is a really good idea! Would save a lot of time for all the users during migrations.

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Neil Sharp on 10 May 2024 19:52:42


A Fabric Key Vault implementation would be ideal. At a minimum, whether a key is secured in Azure or Fabric I would like the ability to use stored keys to sign, encode, etc from a notebook using APIs instead of extracting secrets.

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Jennifer Morse on 10 May 2024 19:15:29


We need control over what is templated on the Task Templates Checklists Columns Buckets Status Creation our own Priorities and Status etc.Our organization needs the ability to template everything on the Task Templates Task checklists Creating and using Buckets Templating the columns on the Tasks Lists in this order:Name | Quick Look (so we can see the checklist items) | Bucket (for Status of the Work) } Assigned to | Start | Finish | Duration | Effort | Priority (have the ability to change the options) | Depends on

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Jennifer Morse on 10 May 2024 18:59:02


Instead of selecting 'Generic Resource' to send to request a resource is it possible to change the name from 'Generic Resource' to 'Resource Request' or something similar. Better yet open this up to be customizable as the customer chooses.

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Marko Alic on 10 May 2024 17:28:44

