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Kilian Seizinger on 24 Jul 2024 11:26:20


If I understand this idea correctly then this idea is pretty similiar to this one:

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Selim Dag on 24 Jul 2024 11:24:45


That's a must-have feature in D365 Project Operarions. I don't understand, why this is not possible oob! It should be implemented immediately!

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Natalia Isabel De Monasterio on 24 Jul 2024 11:20:06


For us the feature is quite important. One of the purposes to have our distributors place their orders via Ecommerce website is to reduce the internal workload of our customer service/order entry team. Without the alternative item logic working for orders placed via Ecommerce, manual intervention in needed for every single sales order line where an alternative item got set. This is very ineffective and time consuming. Being Ecommerce a MS solution, our expectation is to have the alternative item logic to work all the way thorough, from Ecommerce down to HQ. Thank you

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Kevin Schopenhouer on 24 Jul 2024 10:14:37


Bit more complex but also have seen this requiment a lot regarding minimum amount of pallets/quantity in total for the order. Would be a big adjustment to group those items during firming.

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Kevin Schopenhouer on 24 Jul 2024 10:10:42


Also reported this Idea, Microsoft marked it as designed on our support request. But it is needed functionality which was supported by the 'old masterplanning'. For now need to find workarounds for new customers and customers that are willing to migrate...

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Kevin Schopenhouer on 24 Jul 2024 10:08:22


Very much needed functionality within the Food... Reported on several Ideas already

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on 24 Jul 2024 10:06:53


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Tobias Bender on 24 Jul 2024 09:58:45


There is a great need to complete tasks without booking time. In practice, many customers have to manage small tasks that do not necessarily require time bookings. The current solution means that you have to make very small time bookings. This does not lead to the desired efficiency and slows down the process. 

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Wim De Bonte on 24 Jul 2024 09:39:31


We would like to have a certified Exivity connector for PowerBI, to create advanced analytical reports from the data of our on premise Exivity instance.

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Gajanand Tiwari on 24 Jul 2024 09:26:28


I wanted the Add the blank columns in between two spicfic columns into the matrix report exmple should be a way to left a small blank space for the clarity of the Matrix.