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Olesia Lyfar on 23 May 2024 22:42:27


This is critical functionality for us

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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 22:16:29


-- select all referencable columns from all tables except t2.c4SELECT * EXCEPT(t2.c4) -- sometimes called "EXCLUDE", like in Snowflake and DuckDBFROMVALUES(1, 2) AS t1(c1, c2),VALUES(3, 4) AS t2(c3, c4);OUTPUT: 1  2  3

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Tyler McClain on 23 May 2024 20:08:49


The feedback from MSFT administrator is frustrating. While this is already accomplishable through an exit segment.The customer problem is the following:You have to have identified a need for an exit segment before the journey is published. That is not isn't realistic for all journeys . Many times it's realized after the fact of people that should be excluded.You have to identify a dynamic way to bring customers into that segment since you can't manually edit or add someone to a segment once the segment is used in a live journey. This be complicated because additional configuration may be needed to accomplish this.It's also not realistic to be adding configuration to dynamically identify customers to exclude for every journey.

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Tyler McClain on 23 May 2024 20:06:06


The ability to create unique experience would significantly increase if this was possible in the journey designer.

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Tyler McClain on 23 May 2024 19:51:37


Duplicate idea, please up vote this idea

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FABIAN RAYGOSA on 23 May 2024 19:11:26


this is a major customer facing problem.If someone comments about an issue and its fixed, admins should not ask original poster to delete. that's terrible business practice.The comment is then stuck there eve though its fixed.We should not be asking managers to delete their comments.Please allow admins to delete. This comment feature is extremely powerful but useless if anyone can comment and it stays there.

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Tyler McClain on 23 May 2024 19:02:02


Please vote for this duplicate idea that has a larger number of votes at the time of this comment

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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:44:07


I really hope this one gets more attention. This is crazy simple to do in Databricks and yet somehow not even feasible in Fabric?!?!

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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:42:28


Is there a timeline for when this is expected to be placed on the roadmap?

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Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:41:22


This is on the public roadmap, with an estimated release timeline: Q3 2024.