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Kieran Leigh on 03 May 2024 14:27:57


I'm currently building out a matrix visual with values as rows. For various reasons, sometimes these are all null. I would like to offer users a view where the null rows are hidden so only the useful data is shown.

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Martin Burroughs on 03 May 2024 13:56:35


The ironic thing here, is that having tried to move to new improved microsoft tech, the only solution is to export as two documents, and then write a VBA script to merge the files en masse! This is not where we should be.

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R T on 03 May 2024 13:39:11


Any update on this? I've not seen this listed on any of the release plans for Fabric.

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Stephen Burtrum on 03 May 2024 13:26:44


My current Power BI version is Version: 2.128.952.0 64-bit (April 2024) in case you need that information.

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James Woodward on 03 May 2024 12:48:57


We use apps as our preferred content delivery method at my organization to allow us to customize content to different groups based on their audience. Having the ability for users to favorite a report inside an app would allow them to use the same functionality that is available to users who navigate directly to a report outside of an app.This would be extremely helpful for our users, who appreciated being able to favorite reports when that was our standard delivery method (prior to pivoting to apps). This is functionality that they have now lost since we've made the switch to apps.Thanks,James Woodward

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Claiver Viana on 03 May 2024 12:48:05


I'm looking for this for ages, please, get this the attention it deserves!

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Jan Pul on 03 May 2024 10:51:47


It would be nice when this will be possible in a for/foreach loop as well

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S Gopi Krishna on 03 May 2024 09:04:41


I see that the link to no longer mentions batch tracking being available in 2024 Release Wave 1. Did this get dropped ot planned for the future release?Please respond as we are planning to utilize this new feature for one of our customers.

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Ian Podmore on 03 May 2024 09:02:58


We have done the same as Shannon.

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Ana Cardoso on 03 May 2024 07:44:29


Actually, I think this is an application bug because if I have one or more dimensions as mandatory [Default Dim Account Type - Table 15 G/ Account - Posting Value = Required Code], when I execute the VAT calculation, I need to change this parameterization. So, this is a problem: the general ledger entries run out of dimensions, which causes problems in financial reporting due to the lack of dimensions that should be mandatory. And, customers will change an important setting which in itself is not a good solution either.