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Esther Paradoski on 22 Jul 2024 14:53:34


This is very much needed, especially in the rest of the world which uses KMs and not Miles. Showing Miles on the screen is very confusing to the user who is not sure if they should be converting their KM to Miles. That is a huge oversight by the Product Group and not being able to correct it by changing labels and publishing it to all users has removed our workaround for this oversight.

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Scott Szathmary on 22 Jul 2024 14:27:35


Yes please! There is a State column but that is just the parameter values, shows nothing related to if report is on or off. There should be a Status column. Also, please make it clearer to users even when editing their subscription whether it is 'On' or 'Off'. My users have a ton of 'Off' reports but it is not obvious to them their report is off. They have complained to me their reports are not being received. The toggle slider showing on/off, with off just being the white background is not intuitive. Can you provide a coloration of red or orange for off, vs green for on? And text display "On/Off' or "Enabled/Disabled'" for 508 compliance?

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Michel van den Bovenkamp on 22 Jul 2024 14:21:35


I'm pretty sure there are a lot of work-arounds for this. Get some compliance reports (at the background) or just fire up Power Automate with a trigger. Or create a button yourself. You'll be using slegdehammers to crack nuts with your solution.

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Michel van den Bovenkamp on 22 Jul 2024 14:12:37


How? First it's different coding language.Second; where do you need a macro for in Power BI? You can't compare both programs at all.

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Michel van den Bovenkamp on 22 Jul 2024 13:54:27



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Michel van den Bovenkamp on 22 Jul 2024 13:53:20


what is this, spam?

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Scott Reichley on 22 Jul 2024 13:53:16


This is also helpful when a column is moved between tables in the model or a table is renamed. So you should have the ability to see what columns are referenced in any measure or visual that no longer exists in the model so that you can select to replace that with a column that does exist in the model.

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Linn Da on 22 Jul 2024 13:35:54


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Linn Da on 22 Jul 2024 13:35:19


Offers seamless, streamlining inventory and order management for sellers on the platform. This integration allows businesses to automatically sync their Amazon orders, inventory levels, and product listings with Linnworks, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information across all channels. With Linnworks, sellers can manage their Amazon storefronts more efficiently by automating tasks such as order processing, stock updates, and shipping, reducing the risk of overselling and stockouts. Additionally, the integration provides robust reporting and analytics tools, helping sellers to gain insights into their sales performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. This comprehensive integration empowers Amazon sellers to focus on growth and customer satisfaction while Linnworks handles the complexities of inventory and order management.

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Jacob Sen on 22 Jul 2024 13:21:42


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