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on 24 Jul 2024 15:05:23


Devanhi Metelli

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on 24 Jul 2024 15:05:22


Devanhi Metelli

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on 24 Jul 2024 15:05:20


Devanhi Metelli

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Steve Laurenzano on 24 Jul 2024 14:38:30


This is very much needed on the PFE Co-products Report Progress Form. Operators need additional information in order to correctly identify the product to report on (eg: grading characteristics). The ability to add fields to the form via standard personalization is available, but not able to save like you can on the PFE Jobs Form.

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Brian Morante on 24 Jul 2024 13:50:15


This is basic functionality that should already be available as it is in every other analytics tool.

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Carl Lovestrom on 24 Jul 2024 12:52:33


can't believe this has been a problem this long. It's such an unintuitive choice and seems like it would be an easy fix. At this point I'd settle for a notes field for each connection where we could house that sort of data.

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Tobias Haackmann on 24 Jul 2024 12:32:12


For me a must have oob feature.

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Johannes Baldinger on 24 Jul 2024 12:05:26


In my opinion, this is essential for D365 Project Operations, this feature should be implemented by Microsoft soon.

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T P on 24 Jul 2024 11:50:15


Available in preview-

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Steven Eggermont on 24 Jul 2024 11:30:35


Hi,Would indeed be nice and productive to have this available. As there is no integration between Ourlook Out-of-office and Dynamics and people forget to activate delegation in D365, admins have quite a task now to re-assign workitems to the appropriate people when users are on leave or ill for a couple of days.Best regards,Steven