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Rudiger Vloebergh on 15 Jul 2024 12:46:42


the tooltip principle is very useful but it's such a shame that the background colour can't be set to transparant .. you want the user to give more insight in the information that he picks from the list, and then the info is hidden because the tooltip covers the info.1) making it transparant would be awesome2) give the option to show the tooltip a little bit higher of lower or more to the left or the right with 999 px (than at least you could still see which info you clicked )

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Marcus Ayliffe on 15 Jul 2024 11:49:51


Please can you confirm when this change is to be released. Thanks

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Fabricator 1 on 15 Jul 2024 11:08:38


This is also a need for customers who already have P SKUs or F SKUs equivalent to a F64 SKU or higher. It seems Power BI Embedded is not possible with Direct Lake also on these capacities. This is a need.

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Deepak Dutt on 15 Jul 2024 10:32:43


ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider ToP Video APi Provider 

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Paris Oikonomou on 15 Jul 2024 08:59:06


Lost access to my previous account. I wanted to know if there is any update on this. Problem: If parts are side by side -> it's impossible for them to be collapsable and it's impossible to have promoted actions

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Deepak Dutt on 15 Jul 2024 08:50:15


nice info

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on 15 Jul 2024 08:49:24


Thanks for sharing this information. The APIs features are amazing.

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Yasir Rahim on 15 Jul 2024 08:38:36


Is there any fix for this?

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erthustu yudrtud on 15 Jul 2024 08:06:17


Converse with somebody on Latam 𝗔𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲, you have a couple of choices. You can call them at their client assistance hotline, which is +[ +𝟏-𝟖𝟖𝟖-𝟓𝟒𝟔-𝟏𝟏𝟖𝟑 ] (OTA) or [ +𝟏-𝟖𝟖𝟖-𝟓𝟒𝟔-𝟏𝟏𝟖𝟑 ] (OTA) (𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷). On the other hand, you can visit with them live on their site or use their email support.

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Rasitha Liyanage on 15 Jul 2024 07:44:57


I think single date picker feature is something missing for a long time in Power BI date slicer visual. It is something any BI project would need to have sooner or later.