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carolina anzola on 26 Apr 2024 13:13:09


It is required for all Colombia entities doing business with other countries. essential functionality.

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Kieran Leigh on 26 Apr 2024 10:35:30


How would the card be mapped onto the filter that should apply? When cross-filtering from a chart, it is the axis field that is used as the filter. But cards don't have an axis. (Yet, as Small Multiples is planned for the new card). Let's suppose you have a measure "% of sales that were in France". Presumably, you would want clicking on the card to filter the page to France. How is the measure turned into a page filter? I don't think it can be done in a systematic way. I would suggest the following: If the card has an filter set in the filter pane, offer that as the page cross filter. Additionally, offer a "cross-filter" group in the filter pane with a card selected. This would allow selecting "none", "card filter" (where set) or setting a whole new cross-filter.

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Kieran Leigh on 26 Apr 2024 10:24:17


This is confirmed as being on the list of things to complete for visual calcs:

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Wolf-Rüdiger Sacher on 26 Apr 2024 06:43:52


any update on mirroring postgresSQL in fabric?

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Brian Henkels on 26 Apr 2024 05:31:15


I totally agree with it. I would ask additionally that all loaded and not loaded queries would generate stand alone files. Groups could be converted folders, keeping power query structure.

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Lumpy Nguyen on 26 Apr 2024 02:34:58


Up vote for the idea

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Kieran Sweeney on 25 Apr 2024 22:55:19


This feature is especially important for VAR's or people who have to duplicate work across subscriptions. This feature has been standard for Power Automate for ages now.

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Mauricio Jaime on 25 Apr 2024 22:53:19


Really helpful

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Pulendar Vadde on 25 Apr 2024 22:03:20


This will help to understand resource management effectively. Example : 1) While generating the Power BI usage Reports, management wants to understand the adoption rate by each departments in the organization. 2) Also Management wants to have an exposure to understand the AD groups and members who has access in different Power BI workspaces etc.Somehow the Onprem AD connector does half of the job, it would be nice to have Azure AD connector in Power BI directly Or Replica avialablity of it.

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Daniel Kaluza on 25 Apr 2024 21:27:35


Modern warehousing needs to be able to track items in a box, boxes on a pallet, and pallets on a truck/container. Without this capability, BC warehousing is more geared to smaller operations. Please reconsider adding this feature.