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Sophie Lambrecht on 13 Jun 2024 11:51:38


I would love to have this solution. Is this something that get's follow up?

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Josh Turnbull on 13 Jun 2024 09:44:24


I believe this is what the pbip format was created for. I think pbits can't be published because the standard office template format means you can only ever save a template; you can't ever open a template as such, it just creates a new file with all the content from the template populated.If it helps, we put the .pbix extension in the gitignore file so we can guarantee pbixs are never committed

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Yannis Samaras on 13 Jun 2024 08:31:03


I agree with the proposed solutions.

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Maristella Botsi on 13 Jun 2024 08:28:49


I agree with the proposed solutions. Another option is to determine through a global setup if the 'get receipt lines' function to work with the 'Buy from-vendor' or the 'pay-to vendor" of the receipt

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Deepak Sharma on 13 Jun 2024 06:19:36


Implementing this request, which prompts users to acknowledge that the "Request Receipt date" is being recalculated/ and or not updated and gives an option to choose the desired action will be very advantageous.Thus, I would request Microsoft to take this into account for the product upgrade.

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Brian Dryburgh on 13 Jun 2024 06:14:06


I have spoken to our partner about this very thing, they looked into it and the code is marked as internal, looks like we cannot extend it ourselves and have to wait for microsoft.

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Deepak Sharma on 13 Jun 2024 06:13:52


Hi Laura,Thanks for raising this issue on IDEAS portal. Implementing this request, which prompts users to acknowledge that the "Request Receipt date" has been modified as a result of a change to the PO lines, will be very advantageous.Thus, I'm asking Microsoft to take this into account for a product upgrade.Regards,Deepak Sharma

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Paul Chantakraiwat on 13 Jun 2024 02:45:05


I find it frustrating that I can't save changes without publishing/running the task. Most of my data processes are scheduled, and if I've already run today's task, running it again causes data duplication. I need the task to run tomorrow, but without saving the changes now, they won't be there for tomorrow.

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on 13 Jun 2024 02:43:12


Adelmira Brulinski

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on 13 Jun 2024 02:43:11


Adelmira Brulinski