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James Woodward on 03 May 2024 12:48:57


We use apps as our preferred content delivery method at my organization to allow us to customize content to different groups based on their audience. Having the ability for users to favorite a report inside an app would allow them to use the same functionality that is available to users who navigate directly to a report outside of an app.This would be extremely helpful for our users, who appreciated being able to favorite reports when that was our standard delivery method (prior to pivoting to apps). This is functionality that they have now lost since we've made the switch to apps.Thanks,James Woodward

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Claiver Viana on 03 May 2024 12:48:05


I'm looking for this for ages, please, get this the attention it deserves!

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Jan Pul on 03 May 2024 10:51:47


It would be nice when this will be possible in a for/foreach loop as well

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S Gopi Krishna on 03 May 2024 09:04:41


I see that the link to no longer mentions batch tracking being available in 2024 Release Wave 1. Did this get dropped ot planned for the future release?Please respond as we are planning to utilize this new feature for one of our customers.

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Ian Podmore on 03 May 2024 09:02:58


We have done the same as Shannon.

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Ana Cardoso on 03 May 2024 07:44:29


Actually, I think this is an application bug because if I have one or more dimensions as mandatory [Default Dim Account Type - Table 15 G/ Account - Posting Value = Required Code], when I execute the VAT calculation, I need to change this parameterization. So, this is a problem: the general ledger entries run out of dimensions, which causes problems in financial reporting due to the lack of dimensions that should be mandatory. And, customers will change an important setting which in itself is not a good solution either.

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Lauren Dittmann on 03 May 2024 05:44:52


Agreed. Unless MS can figure the scalability thing out first for us :) Although current roadmap developments (query scale-out and auto-scale) do help with scaling up for higher concurrent user rates, scaling up for faster interactive query performance remains out of reach - leaving smaller teams unable to 'buy some time' to optimize reports while still being able to deliver reports in a timely and non-aggravating manner to end users. Although there is the inherent limitation from the Vertipaq engine presented by the FE engine (which can only use 1 stream and 1 core at a time and therefore cannot be sped up), it is disheartening that even a high-SE engine-based query is not 'scalable' when additional capacity is purchased (meaning it will not speed up its performance by maximizing parallelization or automated temp SE aggregations or whatever other magic could be worked). If PaaS would offer us the ability to develop this functionality in-house, then at least our extensive optimization efforts will be seen to save time AND money :)Also - I am open to any other options, tools, work arounds or viewpoints that might help us 'scale up' slow queries, understanding that optimization is already being worked on heavily and continuously, and the hiring pool for folks who can reliably optimize DAX (and return valid results) is not very large. The goal here really is to enable a system where, when a query isn't fast, we can just throw some money at it until next month.If the VertiPAQ engine truly cannot be speed up by increasing resources, then a report which highlights which portions of current capacity usage are not scalable down to the per-query level and relevant statistics on how often the worst-performing queries are run and their total capacity impact would be much appreciated - the current Capacity usage metrics report does not get us there (or even in the neighborhood). Thanks for reviewing!

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Theresa Goenawan on 03 May 2024 05:25:28


Please work to add this feature, we really need this

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Ray Taylor on 02 May 2024 20:08:11


This issue is brough up in a lot of different idea posts but it doesn't have a follow up from the Microsoft team. Is this being worked or a dead idea? Thank you in advance.

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on 02 May 2024 18:26:01



We haven't spoken in a while, but I just saw a slam piece online about and felt it necessary to email you guys to confirm this article.

It appears like there's some rumors circulating that could be detrimental.
Knowing how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be unprepared, I decided to inform you.

Here's the source of the info:

My hope is it's all a misunderstanding, but I thought it best you should know!

best of luck with all of this,