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Todd Pascoe on 21 May 2024 16:33:29


Yes please, would make life much easier.

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Todd Pascoe on 21 May 2024 16:32:37


Critical need for usage as an IC tool.

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Krystian Krasnopolski on 21 May 2024 16:17:10


I would really love to see this thread / feature get more traction. The UX of simply selecting multiple points of interest and then drilling through for details and potential export - could work so well for stakeholders across the business. I know this is possible with slicers, it removes a layer of modern UX design that I believe most people expect from a modern dashboard. Thank you!

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Bryce Anderson on 21 May 2024 16:01:52


This would be great!

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Colleen Vecsi on 21 May 2024 15:56:00


Without this functionality, we are unable to utilize Realtime Marketing for internal email campaigns. This is a critical requirement for a product that is being marketed as an "internal email solution".

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Colleen Vecsi on 21 May 2024 15:52:32


Not having this functionality is one of the things preventing us from moving from Outbound Marketing to Realtime Marketing!

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José Fernández Vizoso on 21 May 2024 15:51:19


I agree, this is something which is absolutely vital. Without this, we cannot do a proper automation, which makes Fabric adoption quite less viable.

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Jessica Douthit on 21 May 2024 15:51:12


This would make a huge difference for our organization. Please add it

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Mark Conroy on 21 May 2024 15:49:09


This would be a huge efficiency gain for our organisation!

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Prem Kumar on 21 May 2024 15:36:45


This will be really helpful and will enhance the eye site or PBI across multiple data sources. Add it !!!!