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Michelle Tan on 23 May 2024 01:31:33


We definitely need this feature in real-time marketing so that our journey creations can be more streamlined.

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Michelle Tan on 23 May 2024 01:27:03


This is a critical and extremely useful functionality. It's a pity that it isn't currently provided in real-time marketing.

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Jonathan Boarman on 22 May 2024 23:33:41


I don't see this called out in the roadmap. Which item does this connect to?

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Jonathan Boarman on 22 May 2024 23:30:59


More details in case others are looking for this same issue:(1) The tables in question were created from a python notebook (PySpark) with the columnMapping mode set to "name".(2) Tables load successfully and show up properly in the explorer window on the left pane in the same window where the notebook executed.(3) Switching over to the Lakehouse SQL Query window, we get errors popping up that tables could not be loaded.Example error popups have this message for each table that was loaded by the notebook.Table uses column mapping which is not supported.Warehouse: ProductError Code:Subcode: 0Exception Type:Sync Error Time: Wed May 22 2024 17:58:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)Hresult: -2147467259Table Sync State: FailureSql Sync State: FailureLast Sync Time:Corrective Action: Recreate the table without column mapping property.

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Jonathan Boarman on 22 May 2024 23:19:22


This is super annoying... We're trying to port tables using a process we used on Databricks, and it's not working here in Fabric due to now supporting this feature. There are columns, for example, that have spaces or international characters. Workarounds to replace with underscores or something of that nature are costly and have downstream consequences to other processes and prevent basic queries from being portable across systems, including those used in the source SQL Server where this data originated.

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on 22 May 2024 23:15:50


When i create a new pipeline and select 'sql server' as source and go to sql server connection window, after filling the required credentials it is showing an error that i need to disable encryption to connect to sql server. To fix it, we need to go to settings->Manage connection and gateways->sql server and then sql server source connection setting and select unencrypted connection from dropdown list. My suggestion is that there should be a checkbox on the sql server source connection window where we can directly select encryption or decryption.Please fix it as soon as possible, waiting for your immediate action regarding this.Thanks and regardsVikas Kumar

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Renaud Armstrong on 22 May 2024 19:16:04


This was not fixed with Released wave 2. Please correct this issue asap, all our customers are French Speaking and they raise this as an important issue every integration we make.

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Robert Renzulli on 22 May 2024 19:02:56


Seriously why wouldn't you do this what tf are you thinking Microsoft get this done ASAP.

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Justin Carter on 22 May 2024 17:59:17


I completely agree. Landed Cost is fairly new but is getting adopted very quickly. Not sure the level of effort for this but I think extending this to projects will be in high demand. There are already 158 up votes on this.

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Christian Jimenez on 22 May 2024 17:31:23


How many votes are needed for an idea to be considered? I think that complexity and # of votes should both be considered. This one should be a simple yet very important feature.