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Alejandro VANEGAS on 21 May 2024 19:04:15


Pretty great idea!!

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Stacy Whelley on 21 May 2024 18:32:05


This would make journeys so much easier!

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Stacy Whelley on 21 May 2024 18:30:56


We need this functionality!

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Brian Stone on 21 May 2024 18:20:10


Please implement this!

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Rich Johnson on 21 May 2024 18:05:07


Much needed functionality for our work.

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Jack Stewart on 21 May 2024 17:58:17


This is a native functionality in applications like Spotfire and the map extent and location syncing is valuable enough to switch applications. Please consider this for near term development. For my use I don't see any reason to allow for location and extents working in isolation as I would only use them together 90% of the time. Implementation of this feature could be as simple as creating a visual radio button for "sync all maps on page", possibly "sync all maps in project".

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Pablo Alvarez Doval on 21 May 2024 16:38:58


We are also being hit by this, since this heavily limits our automation capabilities, and forces us to adopt a less-than-ideal path to integrate Fabric in our product.

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Kshitij Vasudevan on 21 May 2024 16:37:40


+1Rolling out features auto enabled without administrative settings is absolutely bizarre. Please introduce admin settings to disable this so that teams can test before releasing features to the whole org internally.This feature is particularly frustrating as Microsoft's own documentation claims this feature is for data architects/engineer personas, however it takes up 50% of the real estate for viewers in workspaces who are typically not in these persona groups.

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Todd Pascoe on 21 May 2024 16:33:29


Yes please, would make life much easier.

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Todd Pascoe on 21 May 2024 16:32:37


Critical need for usage as an IC tool.