
The system reserves automatically batches based on customer's sellable days. A similar level of automation is needed when the customer has specifict batch attribute requirements.

It is quite difficult to find a compromise for theme colors for both stacked bars (for example) where one needs to have distinct colors versus other charts where shades of the same color make more sense (there are only 8 colors, and we cannot specify which colors are to be used for a specific type of visual). Maybe this could be addressed via custom styles. It is so painful right now to create a theme that saves later manual interventions.

The same is true when not using the Landed Costing module where the source document (PO or SO or Transfer Order) has the financial dimensions that should be used for the discrepancies between the estimated freight bills vs. the actual freight vendor invoices.

This point is also valid for Canada where the GST/PST is determined by the type of transaction - such as where the SO line item is not taxable due to the type of product shipped, but the transportation line charges (freight, etc.) ARE taxable. This is a great idea and needs to be implemented.


I think this a great idea. Whereas you can embed links to other workspaces you get the login prompt each time. Since App security is not related to workspace security, it seems like it's not required to be a workspace feature. This would allow many to many app to workspaces.

I agree. Whereas you can embed a link, it forces a login and delay in the browser, even if logged in with Single Sign On.

Love Analyze and Pivot modes. Wondering if you have experienced "posting date month" error, where the month is offset by one month? For instance, posting dates in Jan show as December? When I use pivot mode and set the columns to be posting date month, I always have to drag Dec to the far left and remember that the month headers are off by one. Going to submit this "idea".

This behavior seems to have been fixed at some point, as I am no longer experiencing it (and use Analyze more than not). HOWEVER, when using "posting date month", the month is off by one month. So Jan posting date transactions show up as Dec when grouped by month in analysis mode. I've gotten used to it, but it's a pain. @business central team, please fix this, too!

The field "Printed" shows the number of prints/mails. The Sent Emails shows when mail has been send. BUT: if workflow is setup and Status = waiting to be approved; Order can be printed or send by mail!