
Any news?????

This would also be great to have joins based on an OR function. for instance joining a table used to implement RLS to a fact table (f) where the user(u) is either the salesperson or the engineer for a customer: u.userId = f.SalespersonId or u.userId = f.EngineerId. Functionality to join tables on moren then fact.key1 = dim1.primaryKey should be possible.

Additionally, it would be way more user-friendly, if you could insert the placeholder directly where it should be in the ZPL Code, and not always at the end of the code. This makes working in the code unnecessarily exhausting.

Grouping of filters enhances ability of end users to view data in structured way and navigate easier. Today this is possible to find field-filter you need via search bar, yet not as many users are proactive or knowledgeable about data they work with. Therefore developer could help to navigate end users via Region related filters, Customer related, Product and so on within structure of filter-fields itself.

This is very much of a must have. I can't believe this is not on the roadmap, since a return to vendor is a standard flow which is used by almost any company which I already brought live on D365 F&O. Next to that it is quite hard to implement a complete WMS-warehouse and then the return to vendor flow needs to be executed manually inside of the ERP. This caused a lot of overhead and is very inconvenient for a lot of my customers.

Mister Totovic,We are 2 years furhter down the road and BC has still the same issue. Nothing at all about fiscal fiches 281.xx (there are many of them) And the Belgian fiscal administration would like an predefined XML version, each year.It is unbelivable a big ERP program like BC has no updated Belgian localisation. (See Scapta) Any 2 bit accounting progrma in Belgium (even Accounting in Excel) has this feature. BC don't. And you are wondering if there are more troubled accountants working with BC? LOL Aleksander.

Actually it should probably be an event that I can use to modify behaviour of a standard page.The problem with an event is that multiple extension developers may want to take control of the search behaviour and may have conflicting solutions. How about you just let us stick a custom control in the place of the Search box. Ideally we then just need the ability to add a control where the Searchbox goes (or just after it) and hide the standard Searchbox through properties.


PLEASEEE make this happen!

The Sort option in NAV was very helpful with the Inventory Valuation and Inventory Reconcile reports. I used it to group our inventory items by Inventory Posting Group. I miss that option in BC!